A Strange Visitor

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
10 9279

Chapter 8
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Collection of prompts from Halloween event October 2020.

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Chapter 8

[ 500 words ]

The fight is a rough one, and the alien visitor to your lion's world does a number on a few of its attackers before it finally seems defeated, falling to the floor its 'lion' body slowly falls apart around it, leaving behind a small blot of fur on the ground. "No!" it declares, in an attempt to be menacing in its squeaky little voice it waves little tendrils in the air "No! You will not stop me! I have already rooted myself here!" as if for emphasis the blue roots around the cave pulses with energy, and your lions feel suddenly tired "It is too late! You cannot remove them." Well...your lions can certainly try, can't they? "I will get strong again and create a form even MORE powerful! Just you wait! The menacing smile on its face suggests its up to something....
What do your lions do with the for-now-(apparently) harmless "eater of planets"? How do they trap it while they deal with its corruption in their territory? How do they approach trying to remove the roots draining life from the world around it?


Together, the four of them stood on the edge of the cliff. Three lions and an alien in it’s misshaped form of a feline body and an outworldly head and some tentacles still sprouting from its back. Underneath them, on the stone floor sat a little creature. It was black and furry with long ears and bright red eyes. It could easily be confused with the original shape of their new companion, but the aura it emanated was completely different. Despite it’s tiny size it was menacing and ominous. The tendrils growing from it’s body were slashing the air with anger. IT spoke to them and it’s voice was low and clear. It spoke their language perfectly, making them feel that the enemy was much smarter and much more powerful than the creature they saw emerge from the meteorite mere hours ago. It wasn’t enough to scare them, but fear rooted it’s place in their bodies anyway. They did now know what kind of power the alien possessed, but it was doing something awful to their land. Large dark roots that grew over the walls of the cavern started emanating a light blue glow resembling lightning, just like the one they saw on the sky the previous night. As the light spread higher and higher across the trees, they could feel unease and weakness consuming their bodies. Whatever was happening, it was bad. For them and for their whole world. They had to put an end to it and they would have to do it fast, otherwise, everything would be lost.

Immediately as the effect took place, Shadow activated the remaining magic runes on his body. The first one granted him speed, the next ones strength and better vision. All his senses were enhanced. Small bat-like wings sprouted from his shoulders. He gave a sign to their alien companion and it understood. It changed it’s form to form runes exactly like the ones on Shadow’s body, except their glowed with blue light, while Shadow’s glowed red.

- Me and the alien will take down this “Hider”. You two, try to stop the spreading.

His voice lacked confidence.

- How can we do that? - Ejszaka for the first time looked a little distressed. The weakening effect seemed to have taken a larger toll on her body than any of the others/

They all looked around the cave, as if hoping the stone walls would give them an answer. Then they turned to the imposter. It looked concerned, but thinking hard.

- I… Energy. D’grnak. I try stop. Hider powerful. Kh’shhsh. You fight.

From those few words they did not understand what it meant. Even if it did speak their language perfectly it might not have been able to rely exactly how it was going to try and stop the contamination. But they did understand it’s intentions. It was going to use it’s own power against the enemy to try and slow it down. It was up to them to defeat and stop it completely.