FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 13
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 11: Understanding

Abbey found Cher underneath a tree, not really the type of place you’d hide out really. Walking up to her, she quietly sat down and scooted closer, so that she was next to the girl.

“Hey there-” 

She was cut off by Cher screaming. “Shut up! You’re not real!” 

Her words shocked Abbey, what did she mean by ‘not real?’

“Hey, it’s okay! Cher, it’s me- Abbey,” looking up at the brunette, Abbey noticed that she was crying. Her eyes were red with tears which were still streaming down her face.

“Cher, it’s gonna be fine. I know that we can be jerks sometimes but it’s okay.” She patted her on the back, giving her a warm smile of reassurance.

“No it’s not. They act like what happened is normal. Imagine this, you’re sent out in the wilderness with people you may or may not know, you have your best f-friend killed and nobody cares! Imagine that!” Abbey pondered for a moment, trying to figure out how to make her feel better. This wasn’t like the other times- what Angus and Todd had said had clearly hit her hard. It might take a while to get her to forgive them.

“Cher, I’ve lost my best friend once…” 

The troller looked up at her, taking ragged breaths. Abbey smiled sadly before looking off into the distance. “I’m guessing you want me to tell you what happened, huh?” The brunette nodded, scooting closer to her.

“Well, I had a friend named Ally. We were close friends, both being the same in some ways. Well, she was chosen to be an explorer four years ago- the group before us. Well… she died out here… I’ve heard stories on how she died, from being killed in a trap to having a bear attack. But I knew better.” Cher noticed how Abbey became more mad with each sentence. She was clenching her fists and raising her voice. “Do you want to know how she died?” There was a small pause before she continued, taking a deep breath she spoke.

“They… took her… and burned her… They burned her! She was an innocent little girl- only ten years old and they burned her! Only because she apparently spoke to dragons! Say what you want, but I know the truth, Sandi told me everything… They didn’t even know- didn’t know if she really was a dragon tongue… That’s why I was so surprised when I attacked Katie because I didn’t want to be like them… I didn’t want to be like them.” Abbey started sobbing, crying in her hands. Cher didn’t know what to do- she wasn’t really the comforting type- so all she did was rub circles into her back.

“Hey... I’m sorry about her erm… death…”

“You’ve lost someone before right?” 

She nodded, to which Abbey just smiled and took a breath. “Well that’s something we have in common… Who did you lose?” 

Her eyes widened, she didn’t know how to respond to that… She never wanted to speak of it again. “Um… someone very close to me… A close friend you could say. We met when I was nine, were friends for three years, then they just… disappeared. I don’t know what happened, they just left… Guess I just wasn’t worth it anymore.” It was quiet for a while, and Cher was glad that she and Abbey could understand each other now. At least not everyone was a jerk in the group right?


That’s all you could see if you were seeing through his eyes. You wouldn’t have been able to see anything even if you tried. It felt like you were nowhere, somewhere non-existing. That’s what it felt like. Then suddenly, you felt a burn and tried to scream out for help- but no one heard you. Even if they did, they wouldn’t know what to do. You’re trapped, in an area unheard of.

That’s what it would have felt like if you were looking at the world in his perspective.

But then, you heard voices. People talking to each other- to you, to themselves, to something… Either way, they were talking. The words were fuzzy but you still could make out a few words and sentences.

Why did we take this… thing?!

Don’t speak such things- you and I both know- was in trouble.

You’re right- was with-

What do we do with-?

We wait… until the time is right- will be awake. Now call- please.

That’s when you start to wake up, trying to get out of this unknown darkness.

-’s waking up!

As you try to wake up, the words become clearer. Blank spaces are being filled in, making it easier to understand.

Hold up, I’ll go get Lynx!

And that’s all you hear as the darkness fades away.

Author's Notes

Written by myself and tikachi