FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 3: Introductions

The group of victors walked for a bit through the woods before settling down near the creek. As the group began settling down, Cher and Molly went out to find firewood. While walking around, Cher finds something that catches her eye. A warlock trap... Dark magic in the land of Asleidis is strictly forbidden and those who possess it either die or are exiled. Warlocks, the offspring of humans and demons are considered to have dark magic and can summon demons and beasts from hell, which is why they're banished. But it is said that a few still live.

After the tiring quest to find firewood only to find that Katie, apparently, can create fire out of thin air, sorcerer thing I guess... Cher silently huffed in annoyance since she apparently had the ability to speak.

"Would have been helpful if you actually said something." She muttered, staring at the flames, lost in deep thought only to be alerted by the smell of food.

"Stop with the sarcasm, I’m a sorcerer, not some goofy magician who can heal. So I suggest speaking to me in a more formal way." Did she just compare healers to goofy magicians? Well this sorcerer will be fun.

As if they were playing from a script, two healers, a girl and a boy, then came back with water. "Hey guys! ...Did we... miss anything?” The girl asked. Looking at her a little more closely, Cher noticed how the healers looked strikingly similar... Same uniform, boots, everything. But the girl had a satchel while the boy wore a backpack. Cher guessed that they were from different areas since the gem on their necklace were different colors. The raveonettes being yellow and the auburn's being blue.

"Well this is awkward..." The boy noted, sitting down next to Kaiden.

"Um... Yeah it is, why don't we all introduce ourselves? ...again..." Molly said, trying to break the silence.

"Well... I'm Nia, from Erita. This here, is Stanley from Soreign. Both healers." The auburn said, her brown eyes reflecting off the fire.

"I'm Abbey, Faldon, rider." A girl with dirty blonde hair said. She had blue eyes and a small leaf kind of tattoo under her left eye. Her arm had a silhouette tattoo of a dandelion which matched her fingerless gloves. Her hair was tied up in a bun while the gem on her belt was red. This girl was sure the hunter, with her dagger and bow.

"I'm Sandi. A farmer from Colen and this is Angus, he’s also one." They both had black hair but Sandi's was curly and tied in a ponytail while Angus had an afro. Their gems were green and they both had the same uniform. Both had curved scythes and dark green shirts. Matching necklaces which held their gem and matching pants and shoes.

"From Neidon, I'm Todd and I'm a rider." He had hair same with Abbey's with blue eyes, his white gem resting on the collar of his shirt. Symbolizing the coldness of Neidon. He wore gloves and a sword to his side while he wore a boring expression. He was cold and distant the look in his glassy blue eyes scared her, they looked empty.

"I'm Kaiden, soldier from Faldon." Kaiden's appearance was simple. Brown hair with blonde streaks, brown eyes, mask that covered his mouth and nose and the normal armor you see soldiers wear. Sword to his side, his gem was red and it hung around his neck.

"I'm Cher and this is Molly. Both trollers but I'm from Faldon and she is from Soreign." Cher's appearance had a short sleeved hoodie that covered her brown hair with her red gem on the collar of it. She had one glove on her right hand and a belt which held her dynamite and dagger.

Molly had a mask much like Kaiden's and a hoodie like Cher's but her gem was yellow and she wore two gloves. Her belt had smoke bombs and two daggers. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail that rested on her shoulder.

That only left them with Katie, the sorcerer. Everyone knew she was from Erita so no introduction for her. She had black hair that was covered by a huge (unfashionable) robe. Basically the traditional look of a sorcerer. It was rumored that she highly respected the most powerful sorcerer of them all, he lived many years ago in the dragon era but died defeating them sacrificing his life in return for the lives of those he loved. His name was always changing but they all knew him as Seto. Now that's enough sorcerer talk for this chapter.

“So how does it feel like to be I don’t know, outside?” Kaiden questioned the group, his eyes wide.

“It’s okay I guess just that I’m not used to it,” Cher answered timidly.

“I think it's okay... But let's start this after some shut eye. Anyone wanna help me with the tents?" Sandi and Abbey volunteered as they and Nia went away to fix the tent. Katie had disappeared after a while to god knows where. This left the rest of the group near the blue fire. Deciding to just rest a little bit, they all just talked about the plan until the tents were ready.

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie and myself