FC (Original)

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 18
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 16: Get used it it

"Did you hear all that?" Abbey shot up, her eyes narrowing to see if she could hear the noise again.

"Hear what?  I don't hear anything." Cher looked around and saw nothing. The blonde shushed her before listening in again. Her eyes widened in fear after a moment, she turned back to Cher before grabbing her hand and running.

"ABBEY!? What's going o-"



"We need to get back to camp!" Cher had absolutely no idea on what was going on or why Abbey was so scared. Sure it was dark, but she knew Abbey was brave, she was a rider for god sake.

Then that was when they heard the scream.

"ABBEY!?" Nia woke up screaming, sweat trickling down the sides of her face as she breathed heavily.

"Nia!? What's happening?" She turned to see Todd.

"Um... I had a nightmare..." Blushing a little from embarrassment, she ended up waking a few people.

"Gosh, don't scare us like that. I thought you were dying or something..." The blonde just stood there, looking at his sword as Nia sat in her bed awkwardly.

"Um... How are Stanley and Sandi?"

"They’re... I actually have no idea... But Molly is watching them don't worry." Nia nodded as the awkward silence came back.

"Well then- goodnight?"

"Huh? Oh! Y-yeah goodnight!" It was an odd conversation in between the two, Nia's never talked to Todd much. Though he was a great guy.

"I'm gonna find you guys, don't worry." She repeated to herself as she slowly drifted back asleep.

“Okay guys- Katie, Cher and Abbey are out there somewhere and we need to find them! Get your asses out of bed-“ Molly was cut off by Angus throwing a pillow in her direction.

“Would you be quiet please? Some of us are trying to sleep.”

“Yeah Molly, what’s the big idea?” She turned to see Nia, her eyes were so droopy and her hair was tousled.

“It’s called an early start… Get used to it.”  She lost her best friend, she didn't want to lose another. Cher, Abbey and Katie were out there somewhere and everyone here was just lazy!

"Molly, I get that Cher is your best friend and everything b-"

"Just be quiet for a second, okay!? God, Nia!"

"Woah woah woah, calm dow-"

"Ugh! We just lost two of our friends the other day-"

"Well we wouldn't really call Katie ou-" Angus started.

"SHUT UP! We just lost people the other day, Cher and Abbey aren't back, and you are all just idiots! A freaking WENDIGO attacked us yesterday and almost got Stanley and Sandi killed! Who knows what's happened to Cher and Abbey!" The crowd was silent for a minute before Molly groaned in annoyance.

"You know what? Fine. Stay here... I'll go look for them." The angered troller was about to turn around before Nia grabbed her hand.

"No, Molly, don't! We can't lose you too." She pleaded, looking up at her with sadness. Molly scoffed and pulled her hand back.

"Why? Because you already lost me." Shaking her head in disbelief, she stomped away to the forest.

"Cher! Abbey!" The blonde turned over to Cher, who fell asleep on her shoulder.

"Cher! Wake up!"

"Huh? What?" Abbey shushed her.

"Do you hear that?" Her eyes twinkled a little before turning around to hear what Abbey heard.

"Abbey!? Cher!? Where are you guys!?" Cher's eyes widened a little bit. Before turning around in different directions, trying to see where it came from.

"Abbey! Someone's calling us, let's go!" She grabbed her hand before running off into the forest. 

They ran for a while before crashing into someone… Molly.

“Cher!” Molly yelled in happiness before pulling her into a hug to which, Cher hugged her back. They must’ve worried her a lot for being out here too long.

“Are you guys okay?! I thought you would come back but then a wendigo came and I was worried so I came here. Oh my gosh at least you’re both okay!”

“Well I guess it’s time we got back to look for Kai-” Abbey stopped herself before evaluating her sentence. “Katie… Yeah… look for Katie, c’mon let’s go.” She gave them a weak smile before walking in the direction towards the camp.

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie