FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 4
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 2: Welcome to The Outside

It was late in the afternoon and Cher had just prepared to board the train. She was about to leave to the fortress that stood smack in the middle of the bounds. This is where she would meet the other explorers, since she had only got to catch a glimpse of them at the choosing ceremony, but had never actually met them in person.

Molly was still a huge mess from when Cher had met up with her, back on the train platform. She had tried to comfort her, but it still wasn't enough- after all, they might not even make it back. 

Cher could see the train arriving from afar, she was ready, at least she had her best friend, Molly by her side. They both always had a bond, both being trollers and they clicked like that. Even though Molly was from Soreign, they always found away to hang out. All those times pranking people and almost getting caught, running away while laughing like maniacs. She was going to miss those times.

As the train arrived on the platform, Cher took one last look back at Faldon and stepped into the train, Molly followed after her trying to catch up.

The train ride was very pleasant. Cher loved the feeling of the wind that batted against her face as she poked her head outside the carriage to see the view. Mountains littered with green foliage that was sprouting out of completely nothing. Molly was doing swell, she drifted into a deep sleep a few minutes after leaving the station. It's been a day so Cher decided to sleep it off as well.

She ended up waking up to the sound of the train stopping at what seemed like a castle. She knew it, the adamant fortress,the only entrance to The Outside. They say that a sorcerer had created it.

Cher was always was enticed by sorcerers’ and their magical powers but she also didn't like them much considering that sorcerers are very high profile people. They do not like dealing with the poor or the filthy and have an excessive addiction to all things that are shiny or that sparkles. Well... Most of them... That stereotype was broken when the magister or the ruler of the four regions -the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the Earth -contends to wear traditional sorcerer robes which in the eyes of a modern sorcerer, was very unfashionable.

As Cher and Molly exit the train they are welcomed into the fortress by the same lady who announced their names. Cher started to walk after the lady soon after she had welcomed them with a cheerily voice. The walls of the fortress looked cold and extremely welcoming, mind you with their frozen like stature and displeasing feel. But Cher didn't care about looks of a place she would probably never see again so she shrugged it off.

After a while of walking through musty hallways covered in parted cobwebs, the lady brings them into a room filled with people who had to be no other than the other victors. As her eyes scanned the room she stumbled on someone who look strikingly similar to K- no... It couldn't be.

“Kaiden!” Cher questioned her eyes wide with surprise. She knew that he was chosen alright but she didn't know that he was going to be a part of her group. Not knowing how they worked, she just assumed that you were sent alone or with only one person.

“Cher!” Kaiden stammered as he made his way to see her, only to be invisibly restrained by some force.

“You soldiers are pathetic, why can’t you sit here and behave like the dogs you were supposed to be” The person sitting at the head of the table muttered with annoyance, her head shrouded by the hood of her robe, her hands glowing a faint blue from under the table. She was the Sorcerer. Cher internally laughed at how small she looked.

“Anyway, I’m much obliged to say welcome to you all today victors, my name is Kippy and I’m here to introduce you to all of the other victors... It seems like some of you already know each other so this will probably be easier than I expected. How about we start by introducing the first person from Neidon, Todd..." As she continued introducing people, Cher turned to see -whom she suspected was to sorcerer -give a sly smile which sent shivers down her back. It was something with her smile and her fangs that- wait... This sorcerer has fangs?!

“...Please welcome Angus, Stanley and Nia from Soreign and lastly, I would like to welcome our sorcerer, Katie. The High sorcerer of Erita, you see Katie here was willing to come with you guys on this magical adventure into the outside world!-“ Cher turned to the sorcerer to see total anger and embarrassment on her face. Well so much for the 'magical adventure’ Cher smiled.

Moments later they were outside preparing to venture out though to the outside. As soon as they got out, everyone was gearing up; Kaiden put his sword back into its scabbard while Abbey was counting her arrows and fixing her bow. Cher and Molly ended up sharing short glances while they looked around. She found the sorcerer very intriguing for some reason, she kept staring at the blue sparks that danced around the sorcerer’s hands. They were very peculiar since Cher had encountered a sorcerer before. The high sorcerer of Faldon, he’d come down from his tower everyday and confront the townspeople if they had any problems.

She could remember her expression when he showed her his magic. The red and orange strands of smoke like clouds growing from his hands to float into the air. But sadly, Faldon has never been the same after his death. He ended up getting killed by an intruder two years ago the news itself had scarred the inhabitants of Faldon's hearts.

Sighing by the memory, she was cut from her space out when the sorcerer opened the entrance to the outside and technically shoved everyone through. It wasn’t really pleasant, they passed through the portal unharmed and now, they are in The Outside. Leaving the border that once protected them from the outside world but now here they are, welcome to the Bounds. Good luck and may you return safely.

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie