FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 7
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 5: Arrows and Magic

Cher woke up to the sound of an argument, the only thought that came to her mind was-

"Katie." She rushed out of her tent, even though she was still tired, just to see Katie, her hands engulfed in the magical blue fire. Her eyes filled with rage, staring at Abbey, who had her bow loaded. Her teeth were clenched, expression tense.

“What the heck is happening!?"

“Move away troller, this is between me and the rider.” Katie snarled as she dodged one of Abbey’s arrows only to receive a second one which pierced into her side.

“Stop!” Cher ran into the scene separating the two only to look around seeing Katie keeling over  on the ground in a pool of scarlet liquid.

“Abbey! Explain!” Cher couldn’t contain her anger, why was Abbey doing this?!

“She’s a warlock.” She spat, the anger not leaving her.

"How?! Why the hell, do you think that!? Where's your proof?! Do we even know if this is true!?" Cher shouted before turning over to anyone nearby, Molly.

"Call the healers!" Molly just ran to Nia's tent.

“No! N-no! I didn't know!” Abbey broke into tears as the healers went to examine Katie.

"I didn't know!" Abbey continued to cry that out, breaking down.

Cher was just so shocked, how did Abbey know all... Kaiden... He told her his theory. His stupid assumption.

“It was Kaiden right?” Cher asked Abbey even though she already knew the answer. How could someone as considerate as Kaiden attempt to kill a person who he blindly accused as a monster?!

Cher didn't care anymore, she just ran to her tent, not caring anymore.

“Is she okay?” Cher asked very worried, it had been two days after the fight, Katie was still healing. She had heard that the arrow had missed her heart, Nia had said that if the wound was an inch higher that would’ve been it for her. Abbey however was still upset and hadn’t decided to come out of her camp whatsoever. But Cher was fine with the murderer being away from the victim.

“Is she okay?” Cher asked very worried, it had been two days after the fight, Katie was still healing. She had heard that the arrow had missed her heart, Nia had said that if the wound was an inch higher that would’ve been it for her. Abbey however was still upset and hadn’t decided to come out of her camp whatsoever. But Cher was fine with the murderer being away from the victim.

“She's healing slowly Cher..." She sighed, knowing that it would take a while for a wound like this to heal. But the healers knew what they were doing, at least she hoped so... But she trusted Nia, so she would be fine.

“She’s fine, hey Cher are you still listening?”

"Would you happen to know why Abbey would do this?" The brunette asked slowly. Nia took in a sharp breath, obviously she knew something.

"Cher... I'm not allowed to tell you anything at she wouldn't want you to know but... Abbey's been through a lot, I'm actually surprised she didn't kill Katie on the spot." Cher faced her with a look of horror. Did she really just say that!?

"How can you say that!?" She yelled, standing up. Maybe she was being overdramatic but wouldn’t you react the same?

"It's just the truth Cher, face it, we don't know a lot about Katie and you don't know much about Abbey. I'm not trying to start a fight or anything but I think it's best if we just stop talking about this." She said all this with a straight, eerie calm face. Cher always wondered how she could do that.

"M'sorry, but Katie is here, near DEATH and you're just talking about how she could've died in five seconds!"

"Sorry for saying that, I'm really bad at this but..." Nia sighed, "Look, Abbey... She's had a bad history with warlocks and actually, to be completely honest... I'm not sure if we can even trust Katie now." Cher couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe the fact that not even NIA could trust Katie.

"I think... I think I should just go find Kaiden.”

Walking out, she admitted it, she lied to Nia. She just wanted to get out of there. Katie was really the only one who she trusted right now since everyone else was in a bad mood. Right now, Cher just wanted to be alone, peace, silence, alone to think.

But of course, Kaiden had to ruin that.


"What do you want?"


"Kaiden, I know you mean well but please, just leave me alone. You're basically the cause of this anyway, you made Abbey mad and almost kill Katie with your stupid assumptions. How can you be so dumb!? Maybe she is a warlock but you can't just assume things without backup! Now she's almost dead and Abbey's isolated herself away from everyone and you are just... Standing there! Acting like what happened two days ago was just normal!" She didn't mean to snap like that, but she was too angry. Katie was dying and Kaiden was being a jerk.

"I'm sorry- geez don't scream like that -I didn't think she was actually gonna die..."

"How about I just stab you right now and see if you live?"

"Woah woah woah... What's going on here?" They both turned to see Stanley, he was currently holding a roll of bandages while he looked like he fell into a bush with the amount of scratches and leaves on him. 

"Kaiden's being a total egghead." Cher muttered, looking away.

"Not helping you blind fool." He shot back through gritted teeth.

"Guys, stop... Seriously, whatever you're arguing about ,it’s pathetic. Especially if it's about Abbey or Katie. Just leave them be, they'll be alright but it's not gonna help with fighting all the time."

But it wasn't fine... One of her best friends took part in someone almost killing somebody who could've been innocent. She didn't know much about these people but she knew that they had to stick together if they were going to survive!

But the only thing she could do right now is hope and wait that Katie would be okay...

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie and myself