FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 21
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 19: Travel log

There was much to be done as the team set out to find their friends, the route had been established and everyone was packing up, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation and nervousness.

This is where the story breaks off before being discontinued. This version of the story has been abandoned and is currently being reworked. I am posting this here, however, because while this version is garbage and I hate it. It still has some kind of charm that makes me "enjoy" rereading it. Anyways, thank you for reading if you made it this far.

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie