FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 17
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 15: Katie’s torment

It’s awake, Oi! Don’t Touch it!

Wait it’s actually kinda pretty..

What are you even thinking, No one could love it!

Pfft yea, obviously, it’s a monster

No one could love it huh, Katie had woken up to the sounds of the other riders who had been snooping around her cage for a while, it had been two days ago when she first saw Kaiden who had been captured by the elites, an alliance of several skilled dragon riders who gave advice to the master. She kept telling herself that it was going to be ok knowing that they’ll find Kaiden and possibly help her to but she knew, she knew even if they did come for her, that they only needed her for what she was not who she was, unlike Kaiden, she was different, very different. She had never been loved, no one cared, not even her mother who hung herself a few days after finding out what she was.

She had lived for centuries and had seen people pass away relentlessly over and over, immortality, it was somewhat a curse for those who bore the mark of the devil. It had been one of those ordinary days in her turbulent past that had marked her as one of her kin, the same fateful day her mother had died.

 She had felt love before, the kind that faded over centuries, she had loved mortals before only to lose them one by one, each one succumbing to that time of their lives where they would leave this world behind.

“Hey, um… I got your food…” Katie turned to see that dragon rider, Ulyssa. She hesitated a little, Ulyssa was really the only one here (that she knew of) that was actually not crazy and had feelings. She’d ask if she needed anything or if she was hurt,ok but Katie knew it was best not to get attached to enemies. “Seems like you’re really starting to care huh, what happened to yesterday’s ferocity?” She scoffed lightly.

“I’ll just leave it here for when you’re hungry…” She didn’t reply, she had no reason to. The brunette sighed, knowing why Katie was so upset. She was taken away from her friends, locked up in a cage and was treated like dirt. Ulyssa understood that the warlock had every right to be upset.

“Can you please just go?” Katie whispered to the dragon rider, already tired of everything. Ulyssa hesitated before walking up to her, cautiously.

“What was that you said?” Ulyssa asked.

“Can you just… go away? You’ve already done enough.” She tried her best not to cry but she was too hurt.

“Hey, I’m sorry that you have to be here. But there were some issues that had ha-”

“I honestly don’t give a flying feather about what happened, okay?! Just leave me alone! You can either do that or let me out of here! At least let Kaiden out of here, he’s done nothing wrong!” 

 “You need to understand warl-”

“Don’t call me that! I hate it. I hate it...just leave.” Katie spat

As Ulyssa walked away from her cage Katie could not help but think of the things she’s seen over the centuries of her life knowing that this will pass and will probably be another memory, another tale. She’d loved many people, some knew about her but didn’t tell, they made her feel the things she never will understand, life had a meaning, it was one of those things that she liked about mortals. They always had each other, their lives had an end, it had meaning.

“Seems like half breed is sad.” She had heard someone say teasingly behind her back, it had to be.

“What do you want…” Katie replied, her expression cold, braced for impact.

“Ah, Warlocks always so cryptic, it’s so strange how such beautiful creatures can be so dangerous.”

“What do you want?” Katie had had enough of his tricks, she had now turned around to face him knowing what was going to happen. Kaiden.

“So halfbreed tell me what your association with the boy?” The man said willingly emphasizing the nickname they called her with “Halfbreed.” She hated it. 

“I know nothing, just… leave me alone” Katie lied staring back at him through the bars her head held high in defiance.

“So then-” He pulled out his broad sword from its scabbard. “Why were you screaming his name?” That was when she knew what a fool she was, he was going to kill Kaiden.

“I swear I don’t know! Just please, leave him alone!” Katie had to gather every ounce of courage she had and yelled at him not caring about the consequences.

“I know that you know something, warlock.” he smiled maniacally as he slowly ran his sword across Katie’s neck drawing blood.

Katie pulled away from the blade wincing at the pain only to see that the man had walked away...to speak with a few other dragon riders just as Kaiden appeared in the corner of her eye.

“What do you want from me?” Katie whimpered out quietly, stepping back until the cold bars were pressed into her back. She touched the scar on her neck, wincing at the burn. She didn’t know what to do, they surely were going to hurt Kaiden if she didn’t say anything but… she didn’t want to hurt anyone else…

“Kaiden?” His head perked up to see Ulyssa, she walked into the room that he was in.

“Ulyssa... “

“Kaiden, listen to me… They are going to hurt you because of that warlock, you need to trust me on this… Do you trust me?” Her eyes glistened in the moonlight, Kaiden didn’t know what to think. He knew that he knew that warlock, he saw her before… but where?

“What are you gonna do to me?”

“I’m not going to hurt you don’t worry, but I need you to help me. If that warlock doesn’t answer Quarter’s questions, he’s going to threaten to hurt you so she will talk or worse… even kill one of you two. I can’t let that happen…” The brunette looked up to see that Ulyssa was crying. This obviously hurt her, he could tell that she wasn’t the one to cry easily.


“I’m sorry… It’s just that, I can’t let anyone die again. They’re sick don’t you know? Ever since Kitti died, they felt so guilty because they were the closest to her. And they never noticed that she wasn’t okay while Lynx and I did. Around these parts, guilt can take over your mind and body, make you do regrettable things… I can’t make anyone else die from that.” She wiped her eyes, taking a moment to breath. Her brown eyes looked up at Kaiden, attempting to convince him to help. He hesitated, before nodding.

“I’ll help you.”

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie