FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Chapter 12: Save Yourself

It had been a few hours since Katie was brought here, and she knew well enough who these people were: the dragon riders, they were infamously known for their brutality towards her kin. Even if she were to attempt to escape, they would find her. But she had to live, at least for the others.

“Whaddya starin’ at Warlock?!” Katie heard a voice coming from behind her. She turned to see the lady who had called her an insolent monster earlier, who held what looked like a sword in her left hand, which she held up to Katie’s face. Katie growled at her, baring her fangs as two more people made their way up to her. One was wearing a skirt, her hair in a messy ponytail, while the other wore what looked like a viking helmet. He was at least two inches shorter than the girl, but judging by his regal gate, she could tell that he was the boss.

“So tell me Ulyssa, where did you find this…hellion,” the man said, his voice raspy and cold.

“It apparently came with the new initiates who were released this year, sir,” Ulyssa answered back.

“Pretty smart, aren’t you, to disguise yourself as a sorcerer?” The man spat at Katie, his voice filled with sarcasm as he circled around her. “Too bad you weren’t smart enough to look where you were walking. Isn’t that right, High Sorcerer?” A grin formed on his face as he heard Katie fight against her manacles, which were bolted to the ground with silver.

“You will suffer! I swear if I escape I will curse you a-” She was cut off as the boy slapped her face, leaving a red welt on her left cheek. 

“I’m sorry Warlock, but vermin like you belong here!” He shot back at her with full force, leaving her with the girl who he’d spoken with earlier, who seemed to be staring at her with what looked like pity? “And as for you Karen, you have made me proud.” 

That was the last thing Katie heard before she was dragged into a cage, where she cried herself to sleep.

“Oi! Wake up!”

 Katie was woken up by a voice she was unfamiliar with, so she glanced up to see Ulyssa standing in front of her cage- her hair in the same messy ponytail she wore yesterday. At the sight of her, Katie hissed and backed away, her pupils turning  into slits.

“Here’s your meal for the day,” she placed a plate filled with what looked like brimstone and grime on the floor, a few meters away from her. Katie returned to her normal state and crawled her way to the “meal” Ulyssa had given her, and grimaced at the sight of it. She had no appetite- not just because of the grime, but because she suspected that it was either drugged, poisoned or even both. 

She spent the rest of her day in her cage, lying there while the hunger gnawed through her- killing her slowly. “Pathetic” 

A few days passed by, and nothing changed much in what Katie had learned was called “Dragono City,” where she was being held captive. 

She felt like an animal waiting for a baiting game, where she would get torn to shreds. 

Her magic was slowly depleting and she only had a limited amount of time before she would run out completely. You see, warlocks were like volcanoes- as all their magic came from an unknown location in which would eventually run out one day- so it had to be replenished every now and then, but without the ingredients Katie would run out of magic.

“Move it fool!” She heard someone shout from across the court. As soon as Katie turned around, the first thing she noticed was what looked like a mop of messy brown hair. But wait- it couldn’t be…


Katie’s heart slowly began to sink as the figure stepped into view. It was definitely Kaiden, who was wearing what looked like rags, his hands and neck caught in manacles.

“KAIDEN!” Katie screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice hoarse and dry. “KAIDEN! IT’S ME! KA-” She instantly shut her mouth, knowing that she was only drawing more attention to herself. 

“Silence you pathetic warlock!” the keeper shot at her.

In complete silence, she caught Kaiden’s eye, her cat eyes meeting his brown ones. All he managed to do was mouth two words before being ushered across the square, and out of Katie’s line of sight.

Save yourself.

Author's Notes

Written by k4ddie