FC (Original)

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
21 21539

Chapter 9
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

The original version of the Different Universe "FC" AU. This story is from mid-2016 and is considered abandoned and discontinued and is being reworked currently.

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Author's Notes

The first section was written by tikachi, that's why it's good.

Chapter 7: The encounter

Even though Stanley was sitting down, he was still almost head-to-head with Nia. She had always been shorter than the average person, although over time, she had managed to accept it as just part of who she was. From time to time however, it would almost be like a nagging voice was living in the back of mind, occasionally bothering her about her weight, or her height. Although, since venturing into The Outside and meeting Cher and all the others, she’d gained a little more self-confidence in herself.

The raven haired boy didn’t glance up as he pushed himself off of the makeshift hospital bed and picked up his backpack. “I’m going to walk out of this tent, and you can’t stop me.”

“I can’t physically stop you, but I can sure as hell try to change your mind,” Nia moved so that she was now blocking the exit, her arms crossed. Stanley was stood straight up now, his tall figure staring down at her. “Come on Stanley,” she argued. “You’re a healer- you know that you should at least spend another few hours resting.”

“It was just a knock to the head, Nia- and I’m not spending another second lying in this goddamn bed while Kaiden could be dying because I’m a healer.”

She let her gaze rest on him for a few moments, silence stretching between them. Nia noted his dark hair and eyes as she studied him, noted that he had a strangely muscular build for a healer- and to her surprise- noted that he was reasonably attractive. But in her heart, Nia felt nothing but numb, and pushed down the rising wave of unwanted memories. Finally, her eyes landed on the shining yellow pendant hanging around Stanley’s neck, a symbol that he was from Soreign. She had one that looked exactly the same, except for the colour- as did everyone else.

Nia eventually looked up and sighed as she let her hands fall to her sides. “Fine,” she exhaled in defeat. A small smile made its way onto the boy’s face at her words, and that lifted her spirits a little. “But you promise you won’t go looking for Kaiden just yet,” she added hastily as Stanley’s face fell. When he didn’t reply instantly, she reinforced her sentence. “Right?”

As if breaking out of a trance, he shook his head and mumbled a “right.” When he realized that she didn’t buy it, he rolled his eyes and said “right,” more confidently this time.

Without another word, Nia stepped aside to let Stanley rush through the entryway, but he stopped just as he was about to pass her. Awkwardly, he held out a hand, his eyes grateful. Slowly, she took it and they shook hands.

“Um, I just wanted to say thank you,” he said a little nervously, his confident facade from before long gone. “You know, for taking care of me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Nia replied automatically. “You were hurt. All I did was do my job.”

Stanley nodded, and with a quirky smile, he shouldered his backpack and walked back out into the open. Alone, Nia watched him go until he disappeared into another one of the tents, her hand resting on the edge of the entryway. 

With a huff, she turned her back on the blooming forest and began tidying up her workplace.

Stanley walked out of the camp to see the others staring at her their faces full of dread, Kaiden was captured. He noticed Abbey, scribbling down something onto a piece of paper.

“What are you doing?” He asked out in curiosity as he noticed Nia walk out as well.

“I need to plan a rescue mission…” Abbey mumbled

“So…What are we going to do?” Katie piped up.

“I don’t know?” Cher her head-on the table only to look up and see Abbey let out a sigh,

“All we know right now is that Kaiden is somewhere out there in the wood probably heavily injured doing who knows what!?” Abbey was freaking out as Nia ran up to her.

“So much for ‘Abbey’s calmness” Katie sneers just as Abbey glares at her in annoyance.

“I’ll be very happy to kill you again sorcerer” She threatens.

“Yeah, sure I loved the pain!” Katie stood up a mockery on her face.

“Argh!!” Abbey ran at her only to be secured by Nia as she slowly calmed down.

Katie by now had just walked off into the woods shortly followed by a really annoyed and upset Cher.

They made their way fairly deep into the woods when Katie suddenly noticed that Cher had followed her.

“Why did you follow me?” She asked the same malicious grin forming on her face.

“Why did you do that.” she could hear the disappointment in Cher’s voice.

“Do what?” she asked.

“Are you always this cryptic?” Cher was getting annoyed.

“I’m not being cryptic , I’m being coy” she smirked only to get a smack in the face. Did this troller just? Oh she’s getting it now.

“What was that for?!” Katie yelled, holding onto the red mark on her face.

“Why are you so… obnoxious?!” Cher screamed at her.

“Obnoxious?! Why are you so annoying?!” She noticed that the brunette recoiled and flinched at that sentence. Before stuttering out a pointless insult.

“Seriously Katie, you can’t just go around just working everyone up it’s frustrating!” She was serious, well enough was enough she guessed.

“What do you want to know troller?” She answered back, cold, knowing that Cher, initially would have been shocked.

“I-I um” Cher was stuttering, she couldn't seem to decide..should I ask her? 

“I want to know something..”

“What do you want to know exactly?”

“Are you-“ Cher was tense “ a warlock?”

The pair turned silent for a while and the air between them stilled-cold, suffocating, Cher, knowing that the result of this would make her look completely stupid in front of someone who had power beyond her knowledge or reveal something completely new.

“And why would you think that?”

Great job Cher, you officially made yourself look stupid in front of a powerful person, or not? (sarcasm)

She looked at the figure standing in front of her failing to hide the shocked expression forming on her face. “Katie?”

“Yes?” Katie looked back at Cher still in shock, amusement on the sorcerer’s face. “Well what do you know, you really do have something, I thought you would kill me on the spot if I told you… Wait are you going to?”

Cher didn’t know how to process this, The sorce- no, Warlock standing in front of her had gleaming topaz colored eyes which looked exceptionally like a cat’s accompanied by elongated ears that protruded from her head.What will she do?

“uh….I ha-“ She was cut off Katie who had placed one finger on her lips. Blushing a little, she stepped back at the contact.

“Now, I don’t want another arrow shot at me so I’d like you to keep it as our little secret okay?” Cher nodded as she saw the warlock change back into her sorcerer form.

“Uhh...hey, can you summon demons and thi-” she was cut off by the laugh of the sorcerer.

“People these days really do exaggerate...don't they? And no, we don't summon demons, we ARE demons” her pupils turned into slits as she smiled that same grin leaving the troller pale.

“Now let’s go back to the campsite, I’m starting to get really hungry.” Katie mumbled as she made her way back to the campsite. “Hey c’mon, we don’t wanna wait too long, or they’ll start wondering if I killed you too” Cher, who was lost in deep thought for a moment followed after still a little shocked after what had just happened.

Author's Notes

Written by tikachi, k4ddie, and myself