[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 1 hour ago
26 25322

Entry 10
Published 8 months, 18 days ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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Fun in the Deep

It had been a long time since Zarya had last swam with the Leviathan so carefree. A life of piracy and sinking ships didn't exactly leave lots of room for playful races and chasing waves in the home reef. Not that Zarya faulted Leviathan; she had long since outgrown the reef.

The great drop off of the reef into the open ocean was the perfect spot for play. Leviathan dove from the ridge first, pulling Zarya along with her by the sheer force of the current the giant beast was able to create. Down into the dark abyss the creature seemed to drag her. Yet Zarya was not afraid. They had played this game many times before and so she knew the exact moment to unsheath her claws, catching the side of the Leviathan as the beast suddenly turned direction, swimming upwards rather than down. Together they raced towards the surface, everything melting together in a spectrum of blues around the two of them. It took no time at all to reach the end, where the sky met the sea.

They breached the surface, shattering it into a fine rain that shimmered in the bright sunlight like shards of glass. Zarya launched herself from Leviathan's back just as the creature reached the peak of her arch. Paws together in a spear, head tucked down. She dove back into the ocean with the grace of a diving bird. Leviathan, with her heavy bulk and massive frame, was incapable of any form of grace. She hit the waves with her back first. It created an almighty splash, one to rival the one she made as she breached the surface. Waves rippled overhead, distorting the light of the sun, sending dappled shapes over their faces. 

Bubbles erupted from Zarya's mouth as she laughed. She felt like a pup again, zipping around the reef with the Abyssal creature, all that was missing was the older Deep Abyss Creature keeping a careful but distant eye on them. 

Of course their time together again was limited. The pirate ship would inevitably pull up anchor and set sail once more. And Leviathan would follow behind, eager for more adventure and entertainment than the small reef could offer. 

But until that moment came, they would play.

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance;

