[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 6 hours ago
26 25322

Entry 16
Published 6 months, 22 days ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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Who is that

Salvador just knew something was wrong the moment he heard the front door open and then close again. The kids didn't use the front door, always choosing to follow the adults through the backdoor. And guests typically announced themselves before entering. 

His fears were confirmed when a boisterous voice called through the house.

"Yo Mer! Come look at this shit!" 

Followed shortly by an echoing laugh (more of a cackle really.)


The worst possible option (in Salvador's opinion). Barging in at the worst possible times, always so loud and overtly rude. And her language? Awful. Truly awful. She was a bad influence. Especially around the young, impressionable children that were usually present in the De Serio household. Creators only know how many of them had picked up swear words from her.

But Mercutio didn't agree with his assessment. Mercutio, his beautiful husband who only saw the best in everyone, only took stock of the positive effect she had - making the kids happy, improving confidence and teaching new skills, albeit dangerous ones - and ignored their numerous faults. 

"You know I cannot see, Kanaya." Mercutio called back, stifling his soft chuckle.

"Bah!" Kanaya scoffed loudly. "Don't give me that shit! Just come and fuckin' check it! Funniest shit I've ever seen!"

The warm space beside him was suddenly cold. He had actually gone to check whatever insanity Kanaya had pulled into their household. 

With a heavy sigh, Salvador pulled himself off of the couch he had become quite comfortable on, and followed the path his husband no doubt took.

There was a loud squawk. A loud, animalistic squawk.

Salvador rushed to be at his husband's side.

"Is that a bird?" Mercutio exclaimed in wonder almost at the same time Salvador shouted.

"Is that a peacock?!"

Sure enough, held between Kanaya's paws, was a large (and rather annoyed) peacock. Yet it was not an ordinary peacock - Salvador was no expert in peafowl but last time he checked they did not come on a bright pink variety, something which he pointed out to Kanaya.

The obnoxious Kamishiba laughed in his face, her head thrown back and her whole body quaking with each peel of laughter. The peacock seemed less impressed. The bird bristled, its tail feathers fanning out in an attempt to appear larger and more threatening. 

It didn't work.

"Nah she ain't an ordinary peacock." Kanaya confirmed as she all but thrust the bird into Mercutio's paws.

He took the bird gently, it - she only chirped a bit as he moved his paws, feeling around for the correct spots to hold her. The long tail feathers tickled his chest and legs, confirming to the blind Kami that it was in fact a peacock not a peahen. 

"Peacocks are usually males, Kanaya." Mercutio softly corrected her.

"And they're not normally bright pink." Added Salvador.

Kanaya makes a loud, annoying sound (hopefully made with only her mouth).

"Well, it is female, and it is pink, cause it ain't an ordinary peacock. It's Aro."

The two males were silent. Salvador stared dumbstruck at the bird. She puffed herself up, tossing her head causing the long, fine, blue feathers that made up the crest of her head to bob and sway with the motion.

"How could… What… How did this happen?" Stuttered Mercutio.

"Eh portal mishap." Kanaya shrugged. "Sumthin' about it misfirin', rearranging particled or sumthin' like that! Either way she's a bird now!"

It was entirely possible. The portals that allowed Kamishibas to leave their realm were notoriously unstable at times and had caused chaos in the past when they were particularly fractured. Plus with the addition of the new, fourth portal close to Mare Lumines, the system was overwhelmed with new input. It made sense that mishaps would increase in scope and frequency.

And of course it made sense that Aro of all Kamis would go through an unstable portal for nothing more than shere curiosity and the desire for a good tale to tell. No one else was that daft.

Apparently having had enough of being held and talked about, the peacock Aro wriggled free of Mercutio's gentle hold and landed with her typical grace on the stone slabs of the floor. Her new claws (or talons? He supposed) clicked as she strutted down the hall as she usually would. Her tail feathers fanned out behind her, bright blue eye spots glinting in the light. Head held high she paraded down the hall. The light reflected on the floor from the mirror made her pause. She tilted her head, getting a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Body shifted, wings extending, and Aro was fully admiring herself in the mirror. 

Salvador watched on with an exasperated mix of acceptance and frustration. 

“How long will she be like that?” Asked Mercutio. 

“They said it could wear off in a few ‘ours or sumthin’.” Kanaya shrugged again. “I dunno, wasn’t listenin’.”

“That’s a shame.” Said Salvador. “I almost like her in this form. It’s nice that she’s quiet for once.”

The peacock squawked in indignation as she was laughed at.

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance;



