[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 4 hours ago
26 25322

Entry 15
Published 6 months, 22 days ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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The Doppelganger Game

Drinks poured and laughter echoed, a very strange sound for Dysania indeed. The party was in full swing by the time Kanaya arrived, clad only in an ornate masquerade mask - stolen from some frisky noble. The swirls of brightly coloured fabrics and gentil chatter were a constant reminder to Kanaya that this crowd was not somewhere Kanaya belongs nor somewhere she was welcomed. Masked eyes sent dirty looks her way as she weaved her way in and out of the crowds. Ordinarily Kanaya would do something to ‘humble’ these nobles, normally meaning she'd tip the punch onto the ballroom floor or lock the door and release a plague of locusts. But she - for once - tried to restrain herself, she was here for a reason that did not include teach nobles a lesson.
Despite the masks and fabrics, Kanaya searched desperately for a glimpse of something familiar. A rose marking. A pink coat. Anything connected to her home Village.
A noble turned her nose up as Kanaya walked in front of her. She growled at the noble, about to open her mouth to give her a piece of her mind (‘Careful’ A voice resembling Fenriel’s drawled in her head ‘Don't want to give away what you don't have much of in the first place.’). But she snapped her jaws shut, this time in shock rather than outrage. She had seen a flash of dark blue - almost navy- fur with streaks of red. Could it be? Is it him? Here? That was impossible…. Right?
Kanaya quickly dodged around the noble, ignoring the offended noise from the noble as she dashed after the shadow of the other Kamishiba. Kanaya was not a religious Kamishiba but she found herself praying. Praying that the other truly was her brother.
Following the shadow led her out of the gaudy mansion and into the dark woods that surrounded the estate. The shadow stopped in the middle of a clearing, the moon hanging in the sky above it. But something was… Off.
As Kanaya stepped into the clearing, the shadow turned as well, stepping into a beam of moonlight. And Kanaya came face to face with… Herself?!
Disappointment flooded her chest, she had hoped so much against hope that it was actually her brother. But instead it was just another trick of Dysania. Disappointment was quickly consumed by rage.
“What the fuck is this shit?!” She yelled, stepping back. “Is this some damn Lop bullshit tricks?”
The mirror image of herself wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“Watch your tongue.” The mirror image hissed.
Tail flicked like a whip behind her as Kanaya growled lowly.
“Who are you?”
“I am Kanaya Levellan,” The mirror replied “Second of The Answer.”
“That's bullshit! Because I'm Kanaya and The Answer can eat my-”
“So it worked.” The other Kanaya cut her off, talking more to herself than to the true Kanaya. “That crazy bastard was actually able to do it.”
Kanaya lunged at the imposter who countered her easily, the two beings were evenly matched is skill and strength. They pushed and scratched at each other but neither were able to get the upper hand. Eventual the imposter backed down, sharply pulling away and retreating a safe distance from Kanaya’s teeth and claws.
“So this is all this reality has to offer? This is what I became in this reality? Pathetic.”
A  small rock was kicked and with pinpoint accuracy, struck her inverted form right between the brows.
“Childish.” The doppelganger growled, brushing the rock from her face, paw coming away smeared with a small amount of white blood. “No wonder this 'place' is still present in this reality." She gestured to the evil woods around them.
"We change the tides and fortunes of The Answer. With me as her Second, The Answer is unstoppable and have made great advances into destroying the Lopdiemis threat. You could do so much good for this world but instead you squander your potential."
Another stone was thrown and stuck it's target.
"I don't give two shits 'bout wiping out Lops." The true Kanaya growled as she threw yet another pebble at the imposter.
"Evidently so."
"Mistress Lavellan?" A voice interrupted from the shadows behind the imposter.
“What is it?” The imposter snapped over her shoulder, eyes focused on someone beyond Kanaya’s vision.  
Eyes everted and back turned, the foolish imposter was nothing more than a target. Crouching low, muscles coiling, Kanaya ignored whatever nonsense the imposter and the voice were discussing. Something about ‘portals’ reopening and there ‘not being much time left’ and other such bullshit. Instead, she focused her sights on the unprotected back of her imposter, carefully deciding when and exactly where to strike.
“Then we should leave immediately. Have the scouts finish collecting s- ACK!” Their snappy order was cut short with a howl of pain as well practiced claws and teeth tore through the flesh on the back of her neck and shoulders.
“M-Mistress Lavellan?!” The shadowy figure stuttered uselessly on the side lines as the two Kamishibas resumed their brawl.
Tufts of dark blue and red fur were thrown into the air as teeth and claws raked down sides and faces. Metal clanged loudly, sending sparks flying as the imposter caught Kanaya’s robotic leg in her own, halting its movement.
“Stand down.” The imposter growled, pushing back on her. “This will achieve nothing, so why waste your time and mine like this?”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Kanaya sneered, subtly shifting her weight from her back legs to the carefully coiled tail beneath her. “Because you see I find it pretty fucking satisifying to do THIS.”
Quickly, she brought her back legs up and delivered a sharp, strong kick with both legs, directly into the centre of the other Kamishiba’s chest. Through her flesh leg, Kanaya felt ribs snapping, no doubt caused by her metallic leg. Not for the first time, Kanaya wished she the leg had sensors or something installed in them, just so she could feel the oh so delicious snap in full force.
The imposter would have howled in pain once again had their breath not been stolen by the force of the dual kicks and broken bones. They gasped for breath where they had crumbled on the floor, paws clutching their vulnerable chest as Kanaya loomed above, sharp white teeth exposed by her feral grin as her own blood dripped from the wound on her face onto the paralyzed Kamishiba below.
“Happy now?!” The imposter wheezed, glaring up the victor.
“Hmm.” Kanaya tapped her chin with a claw as she pretended to think on it. Then she brought her paw down heavily on their belly, causing them to curl up in agony.
“Now I am.” She grinned as she finally turned to leave. The imposter clearly wasn’t going to be bothering her again any time soon.
As she left the clearing to return to the party, she could hear the groans and growls of the imposter trying to stand back up and the useless stuttering of their shadowy underling slowly fading away behind her. Creators, Dysania was such a shit hole even without Lops crawling all over the place. She shook her mask off, sending it flying into the underbrush. It was time to bounce.
Laughter from the party along with the soft clink of glasses and dishes reached her, spoiling the silence of the forest around her. Well, perhaps this trip wouldn’t be for nothing. She could still have some fun with those prissy pants and that bees’ nest she saw on her way through the forest.  

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance;
