[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 8 hours ago
26 25322

Entry 20
Published 2 months, 5 days ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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Sick Days

Usually Mercutio was so careful about what he ate. With so many different allergies, all ranging in severity, it was difficult for him to eat out with his family. Over the years and repeated visits, the local cafés and restaurants had become familiar with the family (who were loyal, well paying and well tipping customers) and thus became familiar with Mercutio's dietary restrictions. Typically he didn't need to worry about alerting the wait staff to his shellfish allergy (or the other multitudes of allergies and intolerances) as they would already know. If he ordered something different from his usual they would always alert him to any allergens it may contain. 

He was so careful.

And yet he slipped.

He ordered something new from a new waitress who was not familiar with the family.

And now he was paying the price.

The vomiting had stopped hours ago and the nausea was slowly ebbing away. That left behind the mildest but longest lasting effect of an allergic reaction for him; Dotty Dot. Bright spots of colour appeared on his fur (not that he could visually confirm that anymore but experience told him it was happening) and his skin burnt and itched in every possible way. The slightest brush of anything against his skin was painful and irritating. Even the bed sheets he lay on, picked by Mercutio himself for their soft and pleasant feel, caused painful flare ups any time he moved. 

A pathetic whimper left his throat as he shifted slightly on the mattress. An answering whine was given by Bambino where she lay close to his chest. The Raiwan, ever loyal and protective, had positioned herself as his guard, sticking close to his side throughout the whole ordeal. Initially she had curled herself up into his side but eventually even her soft fur became too much for his sensitive skin and she had to retreat slightly.

Bambino let out another whine, this one louder and more persistent than the first.

"I'm okay, girl." Mercutio answered softly.

He lifted his paw and - after some searching - found the Raiwan's head to give her a few scratches behind the ear before the sensation became too much. 

Warmth brushed over his head, like a summer's breeze, signalling the presence of either Ciana or Sicuro (which one he could not be certain of until someone else could tell him, neither of the Lux creatures made any sound nor had any scent). The warmth curled around his throat, pooling under his chin and soothing the sore muscles there.

It would take a while for the Dotty Dot to fade away, and many tubes of medicated lotion on his skin. For now he could do nothing but rest while the rest of his family handled the duties of the farm. While it was a task (and a weakness) he hated, it was made more bearable by the presence of his pets and companions.

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance;
