[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 6 hours ago
26 25322

Entry 6
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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Watermelon Splitting

"It's too fucking hot." Moaned Luka.

A chorus of answering groans answered her. The city girl used to air conditioning and temperature controlled venues struggled in any temperature above 20° degrees, so her complaint was not out of the ordinary (in fact they had been hearing it for weeks in the lead up to this exact moment). But the temperature was soaring and even Sigrun, born and raised on a tropical island, and Kanaya, who absorbed heat like a lizard, were struggling in the blistering sun. 

Luka lay on a reclining sun lounger, furiously fanning herself with a paper fan under the shade of the large beach parasol. Sigrun, similarly, sat under the parasol, an empty can pressed to her neck as she tried to absorb the remaining chill from the metal container. The only one not under the parasol was Kanaya who instead chose to lay spread eagle on the sand. Her shirt had long been removed and only the Creators knew where it was now. Beside her was a deep trench she had dug, now filled with water. Despite her intense hatred of water (not that it was without good reason mind you), even Kanaya was dipping her hand into the water to spread it across her olive skin in an attempt to cool down.

There was only one Kamishiba missing from the rag tag group of women. The one who could handle this heat the best. And the one who had volunteered to go get refreshments in an attempt to cool the others down. She had been gone for longer than anyone had anticipated.

"Do we send a search?" Asked Sigrun after she once more checked her phone for the time and any texts from the missing woman.

"Nah." Kanaya flopped her hand in the air, sending droplets of water flying. "I can 'ear 'er. She'll be 'ere in a bit."

Sigrun glanced towards Luka, confusion plain on her face. The other woman only shrugged, not bothering to even look at her over her sunglasses.

But Kanaya would turn out to be correct (to Sigrun's immense shock but no one else's)

Within a matter of minutes, Zhar reappeared with her spoils in tow.

"What the hell is that?!" Exclaimed Luka. 

A large fruit was all but thrown on top of their blue cooler, followed by its twin only a moment later.

"It's watermelon." Sigrun answered for her partner.

"Yes I can see that much." Luke snapped back. "But what is it doing here? You were meant to be getting drinks, Zhar."

"All sold out." Zhar wiped her forehead. "Same with ice cream and ice lollies. Fruit was all that was left - and even that was in short supply."

A shift in the sand. Moments later Kanaya was pressing herself close into Zhar's left side. 

"Watermelon sounds fuckin' great right now." She slurred. "How we gonna share it out?"

"Did you bring a knife with you?" Luka gazed over the rims of her sunglasses. "Or are you planning on using Kanaya's claws to open it?"

The comment earned her a harsh glare from Zhar (after all it was her who maintained and repaired Kanaya’s arm - she considered it as much her work as the mysterious figure of Kanaya’s past) but Kanaya seemed to be considering the idea, humming to herself. Tension rose, Zhar moving her glare from Luka to Kanaya and then back again. Hand twitched as if she wanted to physically restrain Kanaya from whatever reckless action was building itself in her silly little head. 

“Ah I can help.” Sigrun piped up. “I know way to open melon without knife.”

All three girls turned to stare at the Fulgora - rather unnerving how they all moved at once. To detach herself from the intense gazes, she searched their immediate area for the tools she would need. Luckily enough for her, they had set up close to the large sandy dunes where driftwood was a plenty. She grabbed two relatively smooth and straight pieces of wood before retreating back under the parasol. Sigrun approached the cooler where the two melons lay. Turning to face her companions, she held out one of the sticks which - naturally - Kanaya took before anyone could move. 

“You need to hit it.” Sigrun instructed, moving to demonstrate her point. 

But before she could even lift her arm, Kanaya shot forwards. Her arm moved in a flurry of gold. The stick was brought down harshly onto the rind of the fruit. Fruit flesh splattered everywhere. Over the cooler. Onto the sand. Some even landed on Kanaya’s own chest. Despite the mess, Kanaya was proud of herself. Grinning ear to ear from her display of physical strength. 

“Idiot.” Sigrun hit the shorter female with her own stick. “Not hard. Just accurate. Look.”

Sigrun swung her own stick towards the remaining whole melon. It struck the fruit with the perfect amount of accuracy and force. The fruit split, perfectly down the middle. 

“See? Easy.” 

“Oh man you gotta teach me that!” Kanaya’s eyes sparkled with her intense focus, grin still firmly on her face.

“Later.” It was Zhar’s turn to hit Kanaya on her head. “For now, I want to eat.” 

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance; 



