[Old] Mini Missions

2 years, 8 months ago
8 days, 4 hours ago
26 25322

Entry 14
Published 6 months, 22 days ago

Small collection of Kamishiba Mini Missions based on the old system

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Author's Notes

Setting: Human/Modern World

Alternative Universe ARC

Skyla pulled up in front of the grey square of a building. A few weak saplings have been planted to give the brutalist design some colour - saplings that would be dead within the year, there was hardly enough exposed soil for their roots to fully grow or to get enough water and-

She turned off the ignition. Being around school buildings always had her thinking this way. That was all it was; school atmosphere. No nerves or any bullshit like that - Skyla didn’t get nervous like some sort of school kid. Not over something like this.

Resisting the urge to punch the steering wheel, instead she pulled down the visor and flipped open the little mirror. It was piss poor for seeing yourself but that didn’t stop Skyla attempting to use it for such a purpose. She checked her hair (still styled as it was) and her teeth (still white and clean, no pieces of food suddenly materialising between them). She even gave herself a quick sniff to make sure she still smelled clean (she did.)

She… she might have been stalling. 

Fuck it.

With a burst of energy that only comes from frustration and self loathing, Skyla threw herself out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her. One final adjustment (straightening her jacket collar and smoothing out any wrinkles in her trousers) before finally moving towards the bland building, one hand in her front pocket and striding with a faux confidence that would fool any idiot. The doors slid open smoothly. The lobby inside was as bland as the exterior - white tiled floor that must have been a bitch to clean and magnolia walls as soulless as the school board. The only colour present was in the form of a pathetic stripe of blue paint through the middle of the wall, the (fake) plants that littered the small reception desk, and the shock of bright pink hair belonging to a young, familiar student sat on the bench -

Wait a second. 

“Skyla!!” Echo cried out cheerfully, waving her hand wildly but (thankfully) not getting up from where she sat.

And of course, Pepper was sitting right beside her. Where there was one, the other was normally close behind. They wore polarised expressions; Echo with her wide smile and joyful surprise, whereas Pepper regarded her with cautious suspicion.

“What are you two still doing here?” Skyla asked with forced nonchalance (show no weakness, Pepper can smell secrets) “Did Salvador forget to pick you up again?”

“We had a new club - Rounders.” Pepper answered.

She couldn't say more before Echo interrupted with a shout of “It was so fun!” And swing her arms open - narrowly avoiding hitting her twin in the face.

Well that explained why they weren't in their uniforms - something Skyla had only just noticed now that the horror and shock had worn off. Instead of crisp white shirts with navy jumpers and ties, they wore plain blue polo shirts and shorts. Echo's knees and elbows were stained with grass and dirt - while Pepper remained as pristine as ever. She even noticed a few new plasters over various parts of Echo's limbs (that was a good indication of why they were here in the lobby and alone - trip to the nurse's office.) Yet despite her battered appearance, Echo simply glowed with joy.

“Are you not here to get us?” Echo gave a puzzled tilt of her head.

“No.” She checked her phone just to confirm no texts had come through. 

“Then why are you here?” Pepper crossed her arms.


“Don't worry about it.” 

“Shouldn't you be at work?”

“Nah, B gave me the day off.”

“Bastet never gives you time off - it's why you live with her.” Clever eyes narrowed with suspicion.

“I said don't worry about it.”

There was no way that Pepper was going to drop her interrogation, the stubborn set of her jaw and the way she uncrossed her arms to lean backwards all told Skyla she was in for a fight to preserve her dignity.

Orange eyes carefully regarded her from head to toe.

“You look nice.” What should have been a compliment sounded more like a detective's accusation. 

“That's your nice jacket!” Echo, apparently discontent with being excluded, decided to add her own observation. 

She needed to distract them fast before they-

Pepper peered around her and out into the car park.

“Why are you using Aunt Aro's car?”

God fucking damnit.

“Look!” She finally snapped. “Would you two stop asking damn questions already?!”

Her outburst was less than helpful. Pepper only looked more determined and driven to find the root cause. And Echo… Echo looked upset - not on the verge of tears or anything but her smile was gone,  replaced with a confused frown. 

Then - because the universe hated her - the door to the school's interior opened and in waltzed Theta. She rushed over to Skyla, arms full of folders and papers that threatened to slip at a moment's notice.

“Hi babe!” Her tone was rushed and breathy as she placed a quick kiss on Skyla's cheek. “I just need to take these up to the office and then I'll be ready!”

In the same breath she was pulling away and running up the stairs that lay behind Skyla. 

Closing her eyes, Skyla mentally counted to three - trying in vain to keep her temper in check. Only once the soft click of Theta's shoes completely faded did Skyla open her eyes… to be greeted with twin looks of ecstatic glee. 

“Is Ms. Grayson your girlfriend?!” Echo all but shouted, her hands flapping and slapping at Pepper's arm too much for signing.

“No.” Growled Skyla (in denial)

“Are you dating Ms. Grayson then?” Followed up Pepper.


Neither twin seemed happy with her answers - nor did they seem to believe her. 

“But she kissed you!”

“And she called you ‘babe’.” Added Pepper.

“That was- its-” Skyla was struggling to come up with a cover story and her face was threatening to reveal her as it heated up.

“Listen, I'll give you both five bucks if you never mention this to anyone!”

Echo grinned widely and began to open her mouth but was cut off before the first syllable left her lips.

“Ten each.” Pepper was firm, arm holding her sister back from agreeing. 

Seeming to get the idea very quickly, Echo added a second demand. 

“And I want a ride on your motorbike!”

Pinching the bridge of her nose and taking a shaky breath, Skyla knew she was beaten. It really wasn't much that they asked for (fuck, Skyla regularly went out breaking arms over amounts hundreds of times the size) but that wasn't the point, she shouldn't be caving to a couple of children or encouraging this blackmailing habit Pepper was growing into.

Yet on the other hand… if they told Mercutio before she was ready… if they told Salvador.

“Fine!” She pulled out her wallet with a growl. “But it will only be around the farm - no roads. And you will wear a helmet!”

Both girls took the offered money with gleeful, greedy hands. As if on cue, a familiar, rusty horn blared from the main road.

“That'll be Salvador. You two better go.”

The twins nodded, pocketing the money and picking up their school bags that lay besides their feet. As they reached the door, they turned back to say goodbye.

“Remember,” Skyla pointed a finger at them, her tone severe. “Do not breathe a word of this to anyone.”

Her threats fell empty. Echo just giggled, waving enthusiastically before rushing out the door with Pepper in tow.

Skyla breathed a sigh of relief into the silence, enjoying it for just a few moments before the familiar clicks of heeled (but sensible) boots came down the stairs once more. 

Theta grinned as she came into view again - far less dishevelled or out of breath this time. That grin barely faded as she got closer. And Skyla couldn't help but give her own, much softer and more reserved smile in return. 

Fingers laced with hers.

“Are you ready to go?” Asked Theta.

Skyla kissed her softly. “You kidding? I've been waiting for this all day.” 

Author's Notes

Characters in order of appearance; 



