Anatomy Guide

Dumero are a Semi-open species. you can make as many as you'd like without purchasing a Myo. There are no base traits for this species. You free to be as creative as you'll like  with rules of course Via Images you'll soon find below. However -
There  are  Mutations you would be able to purchase via server currency! to help spice up your dumero if youll like.


  • Wookie - Duméro

    • One of the most docile of the duméro and one of the smallest of the four. Despite being the smallest they have the strongest connection to their  environment than the other Duméro able to adapt quickly to unfamiliar surroundings. Usually seen to have very busy hair as one of their main attributes. While so having long sleek tails, That kinda counts as a third arm. They are also pretty angelic  and are able to get away from wild animals pretty well.  wookies main power source conquers from their forhead.


    • Yuvli Duméro

      • Tallest of the four , tends to be more built around hotter environments. Built were built in mind to where such things like Sand or anything extremely hot from heat would not affect their feet. Though this attribute also helped in other environments like winter, pretty much numb to any environmental disturbances. Magic travels from their ears on the sides of their heads also meant to protect the head.  Also are pretty fast for their size.


      • Purus Dumero

        • able to live at high altitudes and has the ability to float for a good period of time. Almost more tapped with magic abilities, even having abilities other Duméro take Abit longer to learn. For them it's a lot easier.

        • La-mun

          • has very tough Skin, and is incredibly hard to injure with normal weapons. Mostly built for Colder climates. And are incredibly strong with physical strength even at a young age.