The Dumero

Past to Present

Here We Are

Way back from when Duméro originated from the "old world" called Vinsion, where they and few other beings resided. Duméro didn't always look the way they do currently. They looked more demonic and scary than they do now. When all Duméro lived close together, each group had a total of 5 Duméro that served as management. Although there was a local hangout spot, you needed to recite the spell to open the door. It was a gorgeous place with an abundance of life; Many buildings grouped together with a festive feel to it, near forest cliffs, permanently unseen humanity beyond.. This wondrous place was located near the Kingdom called Celsius; Ceulius was a Kingdom where most of the population were human. From the outside the people seemed to be happy but the real truth is far from that. The King and Queen sought power, though have failed at many attempts of trying to find such a source from anywhere.They followed the Old stories, Monster hunters, etc suggested by their most trusted Accomplice a Mage. They studied an abundance of creatures, environments and beings to help them find grander power but it was to no avail. The King was growing impatient.



Foreshadowed Discovery

Soon the Mage discovered Duméro. They had this substance called essence, a type of material only Duméro possessed. They studied them for quite awhile and even built up the courage to go up to one in person. The mage thought they would be extremely hostile but they were not. They were very mellow and welcoming, excited even. The mage spent more and more time with them learning about the rules and culture. learning that these beings were more than just scary looking creatures. They were people, they had humanity. They soon become good friends with a chief called red. A la-mun dumero they would often be seen more and more together as time passed. However,Eventually her time with the dumero ended up being 2 years. But with the impatient king and queen the mage could not prevent the inevitable anymore.They reported back to the king and queen and told about their discovery, the king and queen ecstatic and wanted to collect as much of this so-called "essence" as they could


They proceed to explain that the material looking for is possessed by beings that mean no harm and that there much more than just mindless monsters. They had communities and friends like the people of Celsius. The King disregards the mages' words and decides to send his soldiers toward the area of Duméro. He Didn't even bat an eye to how they would feel and he only cared for more power. Mage, frightened about what would happen, calmly bids goodbye and walks out of the throne room where the king and queen sat.




Amoung us

After that the mage teleports towards the Dumeros hideouts and quickly tells them danger is coming. They were all very confused but listened out of curiosity. One Duméro mentioned that no normal beings could break through the barrier or even find it without saying the spell to be let in. The Mage reveals that they told the king and queen the spell to get in, the mage tells them what has happened out of deep concern. Heavy chatter began all round, the duméro was shocked and didn't say a word. They all stared towards the mage not knowing what to think about the person they considered family after years . The mage, not being able to look at anyone after the confession, They begged everyone to quickly pack their things and move. After a moment Suddenly, one of the dumero charges at the mage out of anger. Red one of the Chiefs blocks their path and quickly unarms the dumero. Red goes up and faces the mage, and replies that he is not angry with her, though others may. She is still family , but a consequence will be decided .The crowd filled with different emotions written all over the peoples faces. The Mage looks up at him with gratitude and understanding. Some younger dumero went up to the mage and hugged her, and suddenly started walking towards her, and all put their hand on their chest while chanting, signaling their all family. The chief Duméro asks the mage how many days they have until the kingdom soldiers come. The mage replies, “1 Day”



Make it count

TThe chief calls for an evacuation. With the mages help, she was able to get to the outside groups of scattered dumero and spread the word. Within a few hours the duméro slowly sneaks their way to the shows of medieval and deploy boats. The mage at a higher altitude watching over the dumero make their way towards the the nearest ocean alongside with the red chief. For merely past hours the thought of everything will be ok passes their mind. While in their own head. Red chief seems to be distracted looking at something in the distance behind them. The sight of a glimmer of rage filled flames filled the forest line in the distance accompanied by fallen trees following behind. Sudden explosions fill the distance. Mage and Red watches disappearand hit the ground.

They both start running in ahurry to the other dumero. They are quickly engulfed with explosions happening around them, with black like figures through some sort of objects that ignite them. While making a hasty escape they've seen glimpses of other dumero fighting the hooded soldiers. But not being able to do anything about it. They soon make it back to the groups at the shore, also while others run out of the forest towards the beach. Red orders everyone to get onto the giant rafts. Everyone around helps push them into the water while hearing faint yelling getting louder and louder as the forest behind ignites stronger in flames. Soon soldiers sprout out of the forest and charge at the remaining groups on the shore.




After a final push, they managed to the last of the raft in the water.The other dumero hopped on and mage hopped on before the soldiers could get to them. The mage suddenly noticed that Red was not on the raft. They noticed he was still fighting soldiers back on the shore, he was surrounded. The mage leaps back into the water using a water mage to help speed her up and try to help the red chief make it to the rafts. While doing that, the red chief was making quick work of the black hooded soldiers. The mage was able to once again fend em off while slowly starting sprinting towards the mage. Before they could reunite, Red was struck by green fury lighting. making him stumble to the ground. Mage hurries to their friend up. A greenish glow slowly appears from the smoke the forest is engulfed in.and there the king slowly walks out of this spoke with a greenish aura around him. The King fires another, shot from his blade. Mage drags red chief out of the doge for the blast. Mage noticed the king's eyes were filled with disgust and anger. King proceeds to fire a stronger shot, before that mage puts up a shield to protect them and their friend. Mage swifty struggles to shield the blast, then hears a faint whisper come from beside them.

They quickly look at red with big red puddles coming from his back . A sense of dread grew over the mage, like everything had stopped moving around them except Mage and chief. Hit with the realization that the chief is bleeding out quickly. Reds breathing becomes choppy and heavy. King still firing shots was the least of mages worries now. They look toward their friend in desperation to keep them awake by shaking them. They weren't ready to say goodbye to their friend, a flash of memories spun through the mages head. Red looks up at them, looking more and more pale. He takes off the pedant around his neck, gently opens the mage's hand and places it in her palm and slowly closes it. Red looks her and faintly whispers, Thank you for being here.. Always…. “ and before mage knew it, he blew his last breath and was gone. A Moment of silence occurred.The King decides to patronize the mage, saying that they could have saved their friend by doing what he ordered. The Mages' anger builds while a stronger aura around them like stormy waves on the ocean. The king shoots out an intense beam at them with great force. Mage holds her ground by using her staff, shooting out a white beam of light. The king struggles to keep his footing, he's blasted down to the ground in a cloud of smoke/ explosion. He looks back to the place where the mage was but they're gone. He looks towards the sea horizon with all of the dumeros sailboats gone. It was a distraction… the king yelled out in anger.



What lyes ahead

It's been a few days out at sea, with little sleep. They use the ocean to manage their escape in search of anywhere uninhabited and far away from the kingdom of celsius. Many lost their lives to the brute oceans the oceans had to offer but had no time to mourn falling comrades… they had to keep moving. The Mage and other chiefs manage to keep the dumero spirits high. Soon they all found themself in the middle of thick fog, to make sure no one got separated before things got worse, they all strapped ropes to their boats temporarily. The mage slowly guides everyone through the fog and storm. To a cleared area. The mage notices a faint silhouette in the distance. They soon find three smallish islands that's not marked on the map they used. They agreed anywhere was better then nowhere and decided to set up camp there for a while then keep moving. They then found a bigger island a little further, which was strange because they should've seen it, so they decided to approach the island. Something strange happened. Further groups closer towards the island disappeared suddenly when walking more inwards into the islands. Leaving the remaining groups startled they continued with caution.



New start

The mage and another chief called orchid decide to go in first, they slowly approach the line where the first groups disappeared in. they make their way through and close their eyes, it was like a tingly cold sensation went around them. The brightness for a split second had them blind. The mage uncover their eyes in awe of what's around them. It was the biggest island they had ever seen, illuminated by the sea and sun. Almost like it was sparkling. They spot the others waiting for them in the distance. A while later they go and grab the rest of the dumero waiting outside the invisible wall and return. They all soon make it to the beach shores exhausted, wondering what this place has to offer them. They immediately set up camp,and do all the necessities like gather food, make temporary shelter etc. They all soon celebrate their new home.

Mage filled with joy to see them happy again.. While the celebration continued the remaining chefs of the dumero came up to the mage, despite what they did. They wanted them to help with something important, they ashurred the mage that they were not angry, no one really was anymore.. The Mage was hesitant but abolished.They asked what to call this place, and wanted to name their new home. They had come up with a name for the area they lived in, noticing various other islands in the distance that seem to keep going. calling it “The Boundless Archipelago”. The mage had to think for a moment, shocked at the opportunity they had given them despite what had happened. Silence arose, moments turned into minutes. A break of quite spurred, as the mage had finally came up with a name. “Let's call it Erigos island” the Dumero looked at each other, slowly nodding in agreement. Later that day, they invited the mage to come celebrate, but declined, and before they knew it they never saw the mage again after that day returning years later but for what?. to be continued

