Rounnto Region ||

Clans of Rounnto


ORIGIN Unknown

GENRE(S) Unknown


LABELS Unknown


Temperature is Mild lower , But higher up in the mountains it can get deathly cold higher up. the harsh Mountainous region was founded by (Fyra). Munro and Luendo Clan live in the mountain areas in a place called Norwich. The people proved capable of inhabiting their harsh environment and climbing up and down the mountains with ease. Making the place the safest place to live for Mainly lu mun dumëro. dangerous for Travelers/invaders. Mounto inhabitants are Most famous for their Chants of encouragement some say you'll get a sudden magical boost from chants of pride to the wanoway region. Both clans are famous for their variety of weapons and armor.


20XX - 20XX: Header

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis blandit velit a turpis hendrerit, non fringilla tellus rutrum. Phasellus et suscipit massa. Aenean dictum luctus mi, eget blandit justo posuere ut. Sed semper, purus imperdiet cursus fermentum, mi orci sollicitudin elit, in vulputate nibh justo eget mi. Maecenas lobortis eros id tellus condimentum tempor. Fusce non erat ac justo blandit pretium in dictum risus. Phasellus consequat molestie diam. Donec porta lorem sit amet lectus elementum, vulputate consequat felis condimentum. Nullam auctor nibh at ex pretium, quis sagittis augue aliquam.


After a dispersal of Duméro after the grand meteor. Many Duméro have died, some made it out and made their way towards the north in fear of their safety. A family of La mun duermo found refuge and decided to stay the mom of the family soon making it a community. Soon later another dumero that was a friend of fyra would make another clan near them but would be on good terms.


Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.

Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.



believes that everyone must work for their status of life, rather you'll be seen with a lower stat, such as serving other duméro or doing heavy labor. Everyone will always be able to rise back up however, and there are early instances like those but mainly for young Duméro.


A mixture of manpower, and fire to help run and keep their houses warm. Learning on how to maintain fire and share it like for example, to cook, power various machines and manpower like farming using animals to help. There there most in hances when it comes to finding new ways to conquering fire?


Munro Clan

Buildings are created to be more fierce in appearance, built beside mountains. More blocky in structure with angular roofs .They have most buildings within a fortress within 25 ft walls made from stone and logs .Roofs will be made out of strong tiles And walls out of reinforced wood. For decoration they'll put up banners, streamers/ ribbons with bones or hand made trophies on them.

Lúendo clan

More shapey and brightly colored houses! They use lighter wood and darker wood to line the outside and inside walls. Very smooth roofs and uniquely shaped roofs and houses. Buildings are a lot smaller than the munro clan but are close together. The locals would hang big lanterns/chimes off their door steps to hear the soft blowing wind. Pillars that are used to support their structures are usually more dark in color And normally have smaller windows that sorta look like trap doors to close them. It is known that the munro clan wanted a change in pace with building structure and is actively getting help from the lunedo clan to make the place more vibrant.



Covers in Thick fur layed clothing that are very heavy weight in order to live in the high altitude chiling environment. Clothing would be held together by straps or rope like string. They would also wear attachments like horns, wings rings and use the string to hold them together to be more fashionable.



Wearing animal hoods mainly for their entirety based on their alignment their hoods would be the most eye-catching thing when wearing their outfit with the rest of their clothing to match. Usually a bit lighter in weight due to them not living as high in the mountains as their other fellow members.



How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?.


Bomguain tallian

Christmas type event

Date: Undeciced

An event where young and old dumero come together for a big celebration. Come to commemorate dumero would make secret gifts and put them in the central house. Could range to be a carving, a rare catch or clothing etc. all wrapped up for a random dumero to pick up and see what's inside

Ruaun run

A Coming of age event where you have to prove yourself one of their own. Bases around your first hunt. Young Duméros will be sent out to fend for themselves and bring back Dead/alive Beast back to the camp to become official. If failed there's always a second chance and on rare chance a third.

Code by Aurorean