Gorian Region ||

the Gorian


ORIGIN Unknown

GENRE(S) Unknown


appearance of dead lifeless; this part of Erigos is known to be one of the cruelest areas. past souls who have lost their lives to the harsh elements.. being able to see the giant remains. Many sceperate groups are known to live here and are not on the best terms. All believed they were too different to get along. The Drundia group dominates most of the area seeking to take control of the rogue groups. Gorian also has many dangerous monsters and creatures one must ask on why someone would willingly move there.The Area consists of a gas filled environment filled with highly dangerous creatures.


20XX - 20XX: Header

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis blandit velit a turpis hendrerit, non fringilla tellus rutrum. Phasellus et suscipit massa. Aenean dictum luctus mi, eget blandit justo posuere ut. Sed semper, purus imperdiet cursus fermentum, mi orci sollicitudin elit, in vulputate nibh justo eget mi. Maecenas lobortis eros id tellus condimentum tempor. Fusce non erat ac justo blandit pretium in dictum risus. Phasellus consequat molestie diam. Donec porta lorem sit amet lectus elementum, vulputate consequat felis condimentum. Nullam auctor nibh at ex pretium, quis sagittis augue aliquam.


after being exiled from a long lost clan called Eekils for reasons unknown. A Lone yuvli Duméro called jivo takes refuge inside in the Groain are. Within this area jivo for the first few weeks struggles to survive here. Eventually Duméro followed him believing that he was not at fault and deciding to join him. Eventually they wandered into a secret place he decided to call the oasis. And make it the base and start of a group called Drundia.


Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.

Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.



Don't let your greed get in the way of protecting your loved ones, or itll turn into a never ending cycle of suffering.


Uses Mounts and water power to help assist in everyday tasks from the oasis. Though there the least developed out of all of the other groups in Erigos island.


Uses Bones to create outlines in their buildings. Using mainly caves or digging their own home out from the walls of canyons or even building their own underground sand bunkers: mainly padded with mud, bones to decorate, rope to strap everything together and thick fabric to build interior walls. They usually end up looking pretty flashy and caveman like.



There are no set appearances because of the diverse amount of different Duméros preferences, although they are more likely to be wearing more patches of armor from mainly light weight armor.



How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?.


Name TBA

Artight type event

Date: undecided

A one week event, where young dumero would compete against each other in combat to see what field they excel in.

Code by Aurorean