Mononoke Region ||


Tribe of Mononoke


ORIGIN Unknown

GENRE(S) Unknown


The mononoke area takes the appearance of the savanna/ Mountainous lush area. This place is most abundant in farming land with the best fertile solid to grow crops on!. The Funkio tribe only populates the area of Erigos. This area is also filled with many wet spots along with lush spacious areas with large and small bonsai trees with rocks and boulders to accompany it. There are random pieces of large metal found around this area. The Funkio tribe is also very Famous for their animal like carvings and statues.


20XX - 20XX: Header

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis blandit velit a turpis hendrerit, non fringilla tellus rutrum. Phasellus et suscipit massa. Aenean dictum luctus mi, eget blandit justo posuere ut. Sed semper, purus imperdiet cursus fermentum, mi orci sollicitudin elit, in vulputate nibh justo eget mi. Maecenas lobortis eros id tellus condimentum tempor. Fusce non erat ac justo blandit pretium in dictum risus. Phasellus consequat molestie diam. Donec porta lorem sit amet lectus elementum, vulputate consequat felis condimentum. Nullam auctor nibh at ex pretium, quis sagittis augue aliquam.


Founded by a wookie dumero called. Eight. She was considered the run of her family and no one really respected her. Though she thought, After a few years of the migration she decided to venture out and survey new land. She found Mononoke and decided to live there. Soon others arrived seeking refuge feeling as if they didn't belong wherever they left from having low spirits from losing their families in the ride for a new home.


Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.

Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.



Never take more than what you need and give back to the world by being respectful to everything around you., or the world will become your enemy.


Not very established when it comes to more auto mechanics or anything. Are at the early stages of improving / using wind for energy


More compact/tribal appearance close together, built up high using nearby trees or by man via wooden pillars. Mainly only made out of sticks and mud mixture, they use straw/ foliage for roofs and walls. Usually have giant roofs to block out the sun along with small windows and open doors. Uses torches to light up their homes.



Funk tribe - has a more flashy/ exotic appearance made to look fierce. Which there apperal carries more natural tones with hints of brighter patterns. Usually found wearing any sort of animal pelt or other assories from them. Usually has patches of Black patterns running around their bodies. Commonly seen wearing pendants of their companions or family/ friends.


Famin mite

Every few months a Offering is given to the entity that causes a threat to the tribes. Such as, Goods Valuable Resources , or food etc, anything that appeases the within in order to keep protection.


Valentine's type event

Once a year Duméro crafts little tiki figures/ Mask of either their own design, Creature or Symbol that they give to other duméro to show their gratitude, Love or appropriation toward another. If a Made Tiki figure reacts when exchanged that tells them they are Connected in and are stronger

Code by Aurorean