The Levian Region ||

The Cho’lie


ORIGIN Unknown

GENRE(S) Unknown


An elevated eastern Area Near the Edges Erigos island. Taking appearances has cliff shaped rocks emerging from the water. The region has huge crystal coral deposits where they would create huge spira/angler pillars that extrude out of the water far from shore; sometimes hard edgy coral shaped plants would appear on the sides of cliffs. This part of the Erigos island also had a special perk to it. At night the sea would light up with beautiful slowly blinking lights made from underwater coral reefs. The Area houses Multiple groups scattered across the cliff-like shores called the Cho’lie. Migrated away from their original homes to become a more Secluded Neutralbunch but are very skeptical of beings originally within the tribe.


20XX - 20XX: Header

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis blandit velit a turpis hendrerit, non fringilla tellus rutrum. Phasellus et suscipit massa. Aenean dictum luctus mi, eget blandit justo posuere ut. Sed semper, purus imperdiet cursus fermentum, mi orci sollicitudin elit, in vulputate nibh justo eget mi. Maecenas lobortis eros id tellus condimentum tempor. Fusce non erat ac justo blandit pretium in dictum risus. Phasellus consequat molestie diam. Donec porta lorem sit amet lectus elementum, vulputate consequat felis condimentum. Nullam auctor nibh at ex pretium, quis sagittis augue aliquam.


Was founded by two types of Duméro that were known to be Best friends but their names were forgotten due to disappearances and forgotten past. The most known ruler is known to be a Long descendant of the Original two founders of tevil


Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.

Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.



Main belief is that Everyone believes that every individual is brought into the world to construct and improve in some way. Rather than helping the people around you or fighting etc.


Everything is mainly run by Manpower and the help of their Companions to keep the place running. So you'd imagine everyone there and a job Todo to upkeep their contribution. Though unlike other Duméro their communications skills are unmatched and are incredibly hard workers. With most of their workings in the underground caves. Imagine it as a Food like at lunch and separate people are putting food on your plate.


Simple yet creative variation of structures that are built near the ends and edges of cliffs they dwelled upon. Most of their housing unit buildings took the shape of carved out rocks decorated by giant shells that are used for roofs there homes along with Coral, Past kills (bones) Plants to further show their love for their environment. They also make bridges attach to nearby detached spiky-like pillars with flat edges going to naturally nearby reefs.

The Natives build off those things to save on materials. There are usually a bunch of handmade pillars and ledges to further accommodate their bonded companions making the place look like giant bird house units. Materials used to support such structures are the nearby Bamboo like plants that grow on the sides of spikey legend cliffs.



With the Cholie they usually patchs of patterns lighter color of the original skin color Their clothing tends to be Baggy in appearance in the form of heavyweight cloth-like materials layers on top of each other. Lined with Feathers, Fur Scales etc. Also their clothes don't tend to cover their entire body. Colors on clothes usually have the Max of 5 colors for outfits. They also Wear Bands, Necklaces and ribbons. Can be made out of small animal bones, colorfully stones or trophys.



Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

Code by Aurorean