Nì'fy Region ||

society of Ni'fu


ORIGIN Unknown

GENRE(S) Unknown


The Western part of Erigos island is known for its high altitudes and pillar scaping land. dumas live here though are pretty secret and are out of reach of other tribes and civilizations around boundless. Many large airborne creatures live here which others don't quite have the access to. The area throughout its seasons tend to have purplish to green hue to its area when it comes to foliage but does change color in different seasons.. also can be debated for one of the most eye catching parts of boundless when you get up to the right view. beautiful lightshow the Aurora Borealis that accrues every blue moon when at its highest. Which outsiders say it's a One way ticket to be able to see the world Outside of The boundless Archipelogo.


20XX - 20XX: Header

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis blandit velit a turpis hendrerit, non fringilla tellus rutrum. Phasellus et suscipit massa. Aenean dictum luctus mi, eget blandit justo posuere ut. Sed semper, purus imperdiet cursus fermentum, mi orci sollicitudin elit, in vulputate nibh justo eget mi. Maecenas lobortis eros id tellus condimentum tempor. Fusce non erat ac justo blandit pretium in dictum risus. Phasellus consequat molestie diam. Donec porta lorem sit amet lectus elementum, vulputate consequat felis condimentum. Nullam auctor nibh at ex pretium, quis sagittis augue aliquam.


Community only a few generations old made up of a variety of Duméro. After a single traveler saved many families from death by sacrificing themselves to save them because of a rogue outsiders group looking to harm Duméro believing they are monsters.


Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.

Character Name

  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • ROLE Unknown
  • STATUS Unknown

Mauris non eros aliquam tortor molestie suscipit et sit amet mauris. Vivamus magna arcu, consectetur quis odio vel, cursus iaculis odio. Pellentesque fringilla tortor a nibh tempor pharetra. Sed tincidunt lectus ut libero dictum, at sagittis justo blandit. Cras a sodales lorem. Sed congue est eu posuere lobortis.



Nonthing Set


Have been able to use magic to create floating carts, boats and blimps to help with transportation.To accommodate people who cannot float like pursus. Also able eventually to make ziplines like escalators, being the most evident in their use of magic and technology.


Built out from the pointy hills with the texture almost marble like. Usually very smooth/circular.Uses a mixture of glass like ores/rocks along to create their buildings. One color pattern is usually found around door frames and windows. With using stone for bases. Usually are found on the sides of mountains or standing on their own., kinda like nests. Uses bridges to travel to one another.



Has a more classy/ royalty-like appearance. Clothes are usually made up of fine materials like silk.. Usually lined with some gold like texture. Accompanied by jewelry. And also other things like charms or other magical items that are only being sold here. Out of all of Erigos island Ni’fy has one of the most modern/merchant types of clothing. Also being the finest around. Being as vibrant as they are.



How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?.



Event item event

Date undecided

Floating lantern festival that the people of ni’fiy say wishes in hopes to be recognized. The color of what a latturn flashes at you determines your luck for the next couple months. A yearly Merchant appears during the event to sell once in a lifetime goods.

Code by Aurorean