Better introduction + Basics

Okay so like what actually is Pokeau?

Pokeau stands for pokemon au, or as it was originally called, 'my super embarrassing pokemon au' back in like, 2015. It originated in 2014 from Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, because I kind of projected too hard on a certain lorekeeper and made a certain Rayquaza gijinka and it all got out of hand from there.
Originally super active on my tumblr blog in 2016-early 2017 in the form of rambles, Pokeau has evolved a bunch to where it is now and is mostly kept on toyhouse (and on discord for those unfortunate enough to catch me in an infodump mood).

Pokeau's setting is that of the mainseries gameverse games - which changes, of course. Meaning, Pokeau doesn't deal with manga/anime/spinoff game locations or lore (except for slices of PMD). The current year in the Pokeau timeline is 2029, but this doesn't remain consistent throughout all character portrayals.
Like the mainseries game, Pokeau is generally a modern/urban fantasy setting, and it's genre is... a mess. Let's just say it's somewhere in between slice of life, drama, and magical girl.

I'm always open to questions about Pokeau (aka . please), so if you're confused you're always free to comment or throw something at me on curiouscat.
Also if you don't know anything about pokemon: things aren't going to make much sense but feel free to look anyways.

Pokeau is a closed development project for my own personal happiness, so I don't really RP with the characters or do any non-solo worldbuilding, sorry ^^"

For clarity's sake on the world's lore, the most important sections are the timeline and legends pages, as they affect everything here.

If you're familiar with pokemon and wanna know specifically what's up: things that are different here