(for those unaware - this page is a parody of the bulbapedia ship name index)

Neverending Romance
the absolute nightmare
A - Z


! indicates a joke/noncanon pairing (do not take these seriously i beg of you)
* indicates a name from the bulbapedia list that i stole because i do what i want

BeachsunsetShipping - Diego & Jess
BefriendedyourmomShipping - Aster's mom & Emmy
BegaydocrimeShipping - Aurelien & Aya
BellchimeShipping - Basil, Kaguya & Haru
BootlegterumokoShipping! - Angie & Lune
CitylightsShipping - Diego & Yuuto
CoolonlineguysShipping - Kibi & Ridley
DeadmomsupportclubShipping! - Orchid & Jess
DeltaepisodeShipping*! - Renee & Zinnia
DeltastreamShipping - Renee & Emmy
HiganbanaShipping - Cynthia & Orchid
IlikeyoursisterbetterShipping! - Alexis & Lune
JohtoclassicShipping - Basil & Haru

MeteorshowerShipping* - Aster & Zinnia
MoongodShipping* - Arceus & Skymother
RoyalscientistShipping - Colress, Lune & N
OceanlilyShipping - Pearl & Lillie
PlayingfavoritesShipping! - Emmy & Lune
ReversefoxShipping! - Cali & Lune
SweetnsourShipping - Maribelle & Ren
YomeiriShipping! - Aster & Lune