Homes & Interiors


Homes & Interiors

Yaknow, where people live!

I mess around in the Sims a lot, and my main save file is actually a Pokeau save! I like to create the homes of my OCs there, so here's a little page to showcase them all!

Some things of note:

  • Background/outdoor details of the world won't entirely be accurate! This is because of how TS4's worlds look and I can't change them. It's also bc I'm not great at exteriors /shrug
  • Some houses have holiday decorations. This is because of seasons and they literally never go away even when i tell my sims to put them away it's a nightmare.
  • Not everything is 1-1 accurate of how I see it but it's... pretty close?


Lorekeeper house

Markov family house

Steven's house


Harmonia Mansion / Laboratory

Kibi and Ridley's apartment


Pearl and Lillie's apartment


Oliveira family house

Ecruteak dance theatre


Aster and Zinnia's house and store