


HomePlanet LoreLocationsSpecies



Species created by DespairPink

Obri are an ancient humanoid race with pure resistant to the heat and any desert weather. Some Obri possess magic, however the magic is solely revolved around fire. Their notable features are dog ears, dog tails, various dark skin-tones, and most of the time, the amount of eyes they have (commonly, they have four. But others will have more or less).


They usually live in any desert country that exists in Achelois. Majority of them live in Obrus, a desert country named after their own species. However, some lives in other desert countries.


Obri has existed for as long as there has been life in Achelois. They say that they've been brought to existence by an Obri God, a God that has five eyes and apparently multiple tails. Obri does not know what their God look like, the statues and paintings representing the God having various looks - the only consistent features are the eyes and tails.

Obri spend most of their generations with each other, not really coming into contact with other species in Achelois until a few centuries ago. Obrusians have already been resistant to the heat, or adapted, making living alongside Obri in Obrus easy. Obri and non-Obri are able to have relationships and have children; the children always ending up looking more like an Obri.


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HomePlanet LoreLocationsSpecies