


  • WORLD: Ytrang

  • SIZE RANGE: 6-8ft tall

  • AVERAGE LIFESPAN: dependant on individual


  • BLOOD COLOUR: Glittering, translucent blue

  • VARIANTS: Undiscovered

  • MAGIC CAPACITY: 1 element

  • MAGIC ELEMENTS: ice, storm, light


  • HYBRIDS: Available with the required items

*Bowrin are a semi-open species owned by Spectral_Ashwood

*A valid MYO token/ticket is required to create your own Crysturin; you can obtain one from any of the Xarzengior group’s stores using either group currency or IRL currency.

Bowrin are found residing across a large portion of Ytrang, where they rule over their own kingdom. They are tall, deerlike creatures that radiate pure magical energy. They have a tense relationship with the Celestus species who also own a large portion of Ytrang’s land.



Bowrin are recognised by their surprisingly long legs, glowing hooves and large bows that make up their tail. Their eyes are a solid, glowing colour and they stand with a regal, proper upright stance. No Bowrin has ever been seen or reported with wings, it seems they are incapable of obtaining that trait. They otherwise have a relatively wide range of attributes they can display.

The longer the bow tail on a Bowrin, the more like royalty they are treated. There is a great focus on acceptable appearance.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum at mauris porta, auctor lectus congue, efficitur mauris. In convallis sem accumsan rutrum malesuada. Nam id elit nec diam sollicitudin eleifend non sed orci. Vestibulum sem neque, faucibus nec dolor a, cursus ullamcorper ex. Donec aliquam lectus eget felis eleifend, nec luctus felis gravida. Aenean semper leo non nunc facilisis efficitur. Nullam lobortis semper nunc, at dictum tortor venenatis eu.

Aenean mollis, neque quis accumsan pretium, nisl odio aliquet dui, quis dictum enim justo eu sapien. Vivamus hendrerit varius egestas. Aliquam tristique varius cursus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed cursus arcu. Donec molestie rutrum lobortis. Cras vitae nunc id nisl placerat vulputate. Curabitur vitae nunc eleifend, aliquam ligula in, placerat urna. Vivamus tempus mattis erat at suscipit. Vivamus laoreet quam egestas finibus porta. Phasellus sed magna eget elit faucibus mollis. Duis risus erat, pretium ac rhoncus in, egestas in mauris. Quisque ac justo porta, hendrerit metus eget, lacinia arcu. Integer mattis sapien eu nunc rutrum luctus. Proin at laoreet dolor, a blandit dolor.

Aliquam eget pellentesque massa, sit amet auctor ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque congue pulvinar libero id porta. Nunc mauris mi, tincidunt vitae sollicitudin porta, ornare ut urna. Quisque tincidunt massa orci, eu eleifend mi iaculis quis. Proin egestas odio quis sem iaculis molestie. Suspendisse ac nunc iaculis elit hendrerit scelerisque.

Cras et dictum ante. In porttitor odio mauris, vitae aliquet urna iaculis et. Sed eu vulputate leo. Pellentesque mauris risus, posuere in quam eget, dapibus feugiat felis. Curabitur pretium dignissim sem ut consectetur. Nam cursus posuere nibh et vestibulum. Phasellus vestibulum cursus eros, a sodales leo. Etiam iaculis sagittis ipsum, eget luctus arcu laoreet ac. Aliquam at arcu bibendum, mattis erat sed, bibendum dui. Proin in semper sapien.

Etiam egestas tortor dui, ac sollicitudin felis vestibulum ac. Vivamus condimentum, elit a vestibulum finibus, lorem risus luctus orci, in congue nulla metus quis nisi. Integer finibus erat elit, sit amet venenatis libero dapibus sed. Suspendisse cursus, risus nec iaculis ultricies, mauris neque congue erat, eu viverra eros lacus a lacus. Ut venenatis dictum sapien. Phasellus dignissim a mi id laoreet. Curabitur fringilla, tortor a interdum faucibus, neque urna luctus sem, sed volutpat risus augue sed arcu. Donec cursus, ex et porta gravida, dolor ligula volutpat mi, et mollis neque est id urna. Donec nec tristique diam. Nam porta arcu in enim euismod vehicula. Ut auctor neque neque, in placerat magna viverra sed.


Bowrins stand apart from most species, especially within Ytrang. They are not entirely made of flesh and blood, they are constructed of magic and space dust. They do not actually die of old age, their body will magically repair itself many times over their life, when a Bowrin’s magic begins being used up the body will slowly deteriorate until they can no longer sustain life and they will return to the Fountain of Life to continue on the cycle of existence.

While they lack many magical abilities, it gives them an upper hand against Celestus who lack any magical abilities. The exact reason for their rivalry has been forgotten to time, but they have been largely kept separate by a dangerous forest of ice that climbs across a large mountain.

Bowrin do not physically reproduce. Being creatures of magic, they lack the necessary body parts to do that. Instead, they offer a portion of their bow and other materials to the Fountain of Life and the water will create a Bowrin foal. Many couples will offer up portions of both of their bows to ensure the foal looks like both of them. This does not completely prevent random traits from forming on the foal.

Bowrin do not have a proper diet. Being creatures of magic and energy, they feed off magic found in their environment and on occasion, water from the Fountain of Life. Their teeth are for intimidation and decoration.

Crysturin are capable of communicating amongst each other and often times other species through their innate telepathic abilities. Otherwise they communicate with sounds that match that of a fox and a deer.

Cras et dictum ante. In porttitor odio mauris, vitae aliquet urna iaculis et. Sed eu vulputate leo. Pellentesque mauris risus, posuere in quam eget, dapibus feugiat felis. Curabitur pretium dignissim sem ut consectetur. Nam cursus posuere nibh et vestibulum. Phasellus vestibulum cursus eros, a sodales leo. Etiam iaculis sagittis ipsum, eget luctus arcu laoreet ac. Aliquam at arcu bibendum, mattis erat sed, bibendum dui. Proin in semper sapien.

Layout by Returu • Code by AviCode