


3 years, 4 months ago



  • Age200
  • SpeciesDragon
  • GenderMale
  • OrientationGay
  • Relationship StatusTaken









  • Cooking
  • Domestic Life
  • Large Markets
  • Live Music


  • Darkness
  • Exploration
  • The Cold
  • Sour Things

Passerine is a laid back homebody. He enjoys living out his domestic life with Valor and running their restaurant. He’s very social, and he loves to engage in long conversations with his customers and at the local market when he’s picking up ingredients. Oh his breaks, Passerine climbs into the rafters of his restaurant and listens to the band play. He sometimes falls asleep up there, falling to the floor when he’s startled awake. He’s quick to jump to conclusions before things can be explained, and as a result often becomes needlessly defensive.


Art by Cricketiir

Event 1

Very soon after reaching adulthood, Passerine left Maws Clutch in search of the hustle and bustle of a larger city. He wanted to start a new life for himself away from his family’s overbearing (but well intentioned) presence. After traveling around for a while he found himself in the Pab’Zuaan Capital, a place wholly different from where he grew up. He found work as a mail carrier while getting on his feet, flying quickly from building to building as he made enough money to get his own place and learning the area better and better.

One day Passerine was running late on a delivery. He needed to make up time, so he took a shortcut through a back alley that he had previously discovered. He got distracted and collided with a windowsill as he rushed through the alley, and the pie that had been sitting on the sill flew off and landed on his wings and the filling got stuck in his feathers. Surprisingly, the dragon whose pie Passerine had ruined wasn’t angry at all, and instead burst into laughter when he found out what had happened. He introduced himself as Valor and helped Passerine clean the pie out of his wings, and he found himself completely forgetting about his delivery. Passerine fell for him fast.

Passerine left the postal service after that encounter, and began to pursue apprenticing under a professional chef. He eventually found a chef who would take him, and he eventually brought Valor to their first date at the restaurant he was working at. They went on many more dates before eventually moving in together and starting their own restaurant. Passerine now enjoys a mostly peaceful life, with the general calm only being interrupted by his greatest rival.

Event 2

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit.

Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.

Event 3

Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.




Passerine met Alx-Ta when she was working odd jobs to get back on her feet.




Passerine and Valor run a restaurant together and take great joy in being able to spend so much time together. Valor looks out for Passerine, and warns their customers if it looks like he’s going to fall out of the rafters.




Passerine has no idea what he did to make Mari so mad at him but he’s going to defend his restaurant to the bitter end. Despite Mari’s claims otherwise, Passerine thinks that his food is way better than hers.




Cassius works in Passerine’s restaurant as a line cook. He’s boisterous and loud, which Passerine thinks brings more life to the restaurant.

Design Notes

  • Masterlist ID: 238-D
  • <

  • Creator@Thunderglade
  • Designer(s)@Cricketiir
  • Obtained byTrade

"Since I laid my eyes on you, skies have been forever blue "