


11 months, 17 days ago



  • Age250
  • SpeciesLefika/Taroot
  • GenderMale
  • OrientationBi
  • Relationship StatusTaken









  • Building things
  • Coffee shops
  • Teaching
  • Exploring new places


  • Loud noises
  • Hot days
  • Being alone
  • Paperwork

Loore is an optimistic and hard working hybrid. He has an infectious positive energy that lights up any room he walks into and causes others to be quite endeared to him. He’s quite cunning, and is quick to jump in and try and fix any problem he encounters, though this is not always welcome. Loore tries to be patient with his students, but can often come off as a bit overbearing. He gives every project he starts his all, which can lead to him working long into the night and into the next morning without intervention.


A caption can go here


Loore was born in Fox Isle to a well off family. He became fascinated with technology at a young age, constantly taking apart household objects to see how they worked, and then getting in trouble for not knowing how to put them back together. He finally figured out how to build his own devices in his teenage years, starting with simple mechanics before moving on to more complex things like clocks and appliances. Loore moved to Steam City as soon as he was old enough to attend the University of Neamore. He quickly became fascinated with the automatons that lived on the campus, fascinated by how lifelike they were.

Loore made fast friends with others in his engineering classes, though he was closest with the Rubasyn Pyrefly. A few years into their studies, they were able to work together to create their first automaton. That success was the confidence boost that Loore needed to make his own automaton, though unlike his friends sleek and regal designs his were much more colorful and playful. This led to the creation of Prestige, a Fen like automaton that took up a place looking over Loore’s shoulder. After meeting Prestige, Pyrefly offered to introduce Loore to an enchanter he knew who would be able to enchant it with sensory magic to make it more lifelike. Loore quickly agreed, and Prestige was given the enchantment, though he decided he would look for the enchantment elsewhere in the future. Not long after, Loore began to see a different Rubasyn frequenting the campus. He found her strikingly beautiful, but every time he tried to strike up a conversation with her he would get incredibly flustered, much to his friends’ amusement. Though Loore had a hard time introducing himself to her, Pyrefly had no such reservations. Though his schemes to introduce them always fell through, Loore eventually learned that her name was Marisol, and that she was a biology student in their graduating class. The tall blue Rubasyn seemed equally shy at the time, and neither of them ended up making a move.

After graduation Loore became a teaching assistant at the university before eventually making his way up to becoming a professor of engineering. Though he was younger than most of the other professors he made up for it in enthusiasm and people skills, which allowed him to draw out the full potential of his students. Prestige joined him in the classroom as his teaching assistant, though many students found their staring habits a bit frightening. It was around this time when he started seeing the blue Rubasyn again, and he decided that he wouldn’t miss his chance a second time. It turned out that Marisol was the newly hired professor of Zoology, and though he saw her in staff meetings Loore still found himself too shy to speak with her one on one. Loore tried again and again to figure out the perfect way to introduce himself but always ended up spending so much time overthinking his plans that the time to enact them would pass entirely.


The storm over Steam City pelted Loore with large drops of rain as he was caught unprepared. He tried to shield himself with his wings to no avail, leaving him cold, wet, and miserable. Suddenly, the feeling of rain stopped, replaced by the sound of pattering on fabric. Loore looked up to see Marisol standing next to him, covering him with her umbrella. Marisol asked if he would like to share her umbrella for the journey home, and he quickly accepted. They walked through the streets together in amicable silence before Marisol began cracking jokes. Loore laughed so hard he almost fell over, Marisol having to catch him before he fell into the street and became even more soaked. When they got to Loore’s apartment he invited her inside, and they spent the rest of the evening telling stories and drinking hot chocolate.

Loore and Marisol made a habit of unwinding together after long days of teaching and filing paperwork, telling stories and playing games nearly every night. They grew closer over time, eventually becoming romantic partners. Prestige originally resented sharing Loore’s attention, but Marisol grew on them eventually, much to Loore’s delight. They moved into a highrise apartment together in the heart of Steam City, and live out their lives in domestic bliss. Loore always gets up early to make Marisol coffee, and Marisol always brings Loore new trinkets to experiment with from her travels.

Event 3

Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.




Though Loore technically met Marisol long after graduation, he pined after her for most of their college years but was too nervous to say anything. They eventually got to know each other after becoming colleagues at the university they attended, and over time became very close. They live together in an apartment in Steam City, and couldn’t be happier.



Close friend

Prestige was the first automaton that Loore built on his own. After being given sensory enchantments, Prestige became quite clingy and they now spend most of their time perching on Loore or Marisol’s shoulder. They take their job as Loore’s teaching assistant very seriously, though Loore has to continually remind them that staring unblinkingly at students won’t make them perform better on their tests.



Close friend

Pyrefly and Loore became close friends in college due to their shared interest in automatons. Though their styles became very different with time, they made their very first automaton together. They have a long standing game night that Pyrefly used to win in frequently, but now that both of their spouses are invited Talin kicks their asses every time.




Loore met Talin after she and Pyrefly got together. They get along well and play very competitive card games often, though it is rare that Loore ever wins.

Design Notes

  • Masterlist ID: BenthicScarab 223

  • Species CreatorAaimasqtch
  • Designer(s)SuspiciousAlex
  • Obtained byMYO

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