


2 years, 11 months ago


  • Age201
  • SpeciesTaroot/Lefika/Dragon
  • GenderFemale
  • OrientationLesbian Ace
  • Relationship StatusTaken









  • Storms
  • Baking
  • Neon lights
  • Her crew


  • Pranks
  • Non-mechanical transportation
  • Hot weather
  • Being alone

Tempest prides herself on being the most consistently reliable of her crew. She acts as a sort of anchor, making sure everyone stays on task and out of trouble. She’s fiercely protective of her crew and tends to temporarily pick up strays as they travel, whether that be a particularly small tion or a child that’s lost their way. Tempest also lacks subtlety. She can’t stay quiet and blend in for the life of her, sticking out both visually and with her tendency to speak much louder than she should. Tempest spends her time not working or being with her crew attempting to cook in their little kitchen in the ward. She makes surprisingly good baked goods considering her limited resources, and she takes them to friends and acquaintances around the station.


Art by Cricketiir

Early Life

Tempest was always the loud kid in the neighborhood despite her small size. She grew up in Bivnix, making herself at home among the large amounts of diversity and celebrations in the city. Tempest wasn’t really cut out for most of the craft and trade based occupations in her home city, but she did have a magic that was easily applied offensively. She traveled to the Pab’Zuaan Capital City in search of formal training, spending time learning how to fight properly and taking on a few jobs as a private guard as she honed her skills. She found herself on Space Station Zariel after escorting someone up there. Leaving the atmosphere for the first time made her incredibly ill, her body having a hard time adjusting to the sudden changes in gravity. By the time she had recovered the client she had come up with had already left.

Tempest was able to find a place on the station as a soldier, getting assigned on missions with other crews as extra muscle. Eventually she was assigned on a mission with Myr, a young pilot with a lot of heart and an abysmal amount of life experience. After that mission she swore to protect him, going out on every expedition mission he did. Viridian joined the trio later, seeing as their mission needed a chronicler and she had previously proven herself to be a reliable source of information. Tempest became increasingly close with Viri as time went on, eventually becoming her life partner.

Event 2

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit.

Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.

Event 3

Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.




They met on the station when they were assigned to work together on a job, and have been inseparable ever since.




While Tempest respects him as a pilot and a friend, Myr is still very young in her eyes. She’ll do what he says in a work scenario but in any other time she’ll protect him to the best of her ability.




Tempest is good at stopping Cassius from being mischievous as she has a lot of experience from looking after Viridian and Myr. She often spoils him, hyping Cassius up on sugar before leaving on her missions.




Tempest taught Amari everything she knows about dancing. They often sit in comfortable silence together, just enjoying each other’s company after a long and chaotic day.

Design Notes

  • Character ID: HighVoltage 82
  • Lightning magic

  • Species Creator@/Ameycosm
  • Designer(s)@Cricketiir
  • Obtained byMYO

"You better not get into trouble ..."