


2 years, 4 months ago



  • Age750
  • SpeciesSkywatcher (Wyvern)
  • GenderFemale
  • OrientationLesbian
  • Relationship StatusSingle









  • Training
  • Open spaces
  • Blacksmithing
  • Structure


  • Chaos
  • Uncertainty
  • Sweet things
  • Staying still

In life, Marevere was incredibly stern and disciplined. She always got straight to the point when speaking, even if it meant hurting someone with her brutal honesty. She spent most of her life training with her sword in the highland fields, rarely speaking to anyone. Though she was closed off and spent most of her time on the outskirts of town, Marevere was approached by many hopeful Ptithians hoping to train with her so that they too could become flock warriors. She turned most away without any hesitation, but those she cared deeply for those she did end up taking under her wing. She visits them even after death, making sure that they’re taking care of themselves and leading lives she can be proud of.


Art by Cricketiir


Marevere’s entire life revolved around fighting. As a Flock Warrior, she spent day after day training, wanting, needing to improve her skills. As a result of this, the only Ptithians she really knew were through her work. She made her peace with this, accepting that in order to be the best she could be she was going to need to make sacrifices. Marevere used her magic to form her own swords, preferring the long, sharp blades to more common maces.

One day while training out in the fields of the Highlands, she was approached by a very young gryphon. He had barely just grown in his flight feathers, but all he wanted was to learn how to fight. She searched the Foes District for the parents of this small, lost child who had introduced himself as Berwyn, but found no one willing to claim him. Marevere agreed to train him, and they spent the rest of their time together training. She pushed him as hard as she pushed herself, something that she regrets. She began to see Berwyn as her own son, and when he completed his training she used her magic to forge him his own sword. Marevere used her connections with the Flock Warriors to speed up his recruitment, but by the time he was supposed to be officially inducted Berwyn was nowhere to be found.

The loss of Berwyn affected Marevere more than she could ever describe. She often found herself looking down to talk to someone who was no longer there, and once again threw herself into training. She became too old to be a Flock Warrior eventually, but continued to train even though the strain was becoming too much. She was approached by old acquaintances who asked for her to train their child. Tobiko was older than Berwyn had been when he had started his training, and recognizing that she needed something to do and someone to talk to, Marevere agreed to take them on. Marevere didn’t push Tobiko nearly as hard as she pushed Berwyn, being more forgiving of his shortcomings and outwardly celebrating their successes. She once again forged a sword for her student, one that matched both her own and Berwyn’s.

When she passed on, Marevere became a Skywatcher. She lives on to serve the will of her Cardinal to the best of her ability, and occasionally visits her old students as a spirit.

Event 2

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit.

Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.

Event 3

Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.



Adopted son

Tobiko was Marevere’s second and final student before her passing. She tried her best to be gentler with him than she was with Berwyn, and they had a warm relationship. She’s incredibly proud of them, and she hopes that Tobiko and Berwyn can meet someday on good terms.



Adopted son

Berwyn was Marevere’s first student. She fears that she must have pushed him too hard in training, as when he mastered the sword he immediately left and cut contact. In death she continually tries to contact him, but he refuses to acknowledge her presence. She’s very worried about him.




Marevere and Xipan met when Noor joined their little adventuring party. Marevere tolerates him for the most part but finds his long winded speeches about the “Architects’ greater plans”annoying after her less than friendly meeting with her own Architect.




Marevere met Noor while accompanying Berwyn and Tobiko on their journey to discover the truth about the Architects. Though she was unsure of them at first, Marevere has found them to be interesting to talk to along their journey, and appreciates how he is able to bring Berwyn out of his shell a bit.

Design Notes

  • Codename: SW4

  • Species CreatorAaimasqtch
  • Designer(s)Cricketiir
  • Obtained byMYO