


2 years, 2 months ago



  • Age348
  • SpeciesRecall Lefika
  • GenderMale
  • OrientationAroace
  • Relationship StatusTaken









  • Exploring
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Drawing


  • Being alone
  • Rain
  • Cold Weather
  • Being bored

Quir is a massive nerd who often goes on long rants about the places he has explored. When he can’t talk to anyone he journals his thoughts, and his home has a wall dedicated to all of the journals he’s filled on his travels. Quir often finds himself marveling over the little things in life, such as the morning dew or the small flowers that tend to pop up through the cobblestone paths he finds himself on. He’s endlessly curious, always either traveling to a new location or planning out a new adventure. He makes sure to take time to return home to his partner often though, listening intently to her new findings and sharing his own.


Art by Cricketiir


As a cub, Quir rarely spent any time indoors. He was always out with the other neighborhood kids, looking at bugs in planter boxes and playing in the various tidepools and small waterfalls throughout the Pab’Zuaan capital. He hated being confined to the cave, and as soon as he was able to he left for the surface world to explore. Quir wandered the Ulhar Caesin for a while, only leaving the forest and coming into town when he needed more supplies. He journeyed without any purpose, and grew lonely as time went on. He began documenting his journey in bound leather journals, filling their pages with his thoughts and sketches of things he saw along the way.

Eventually he made it all the way to the North Shrine Plateau, and took flight for the first time in months towards the floating islands. Quir then officially joined the Exploration Guild, and he found that he enjoyed traveling with a purpose much more than the aimless wandering he had been doing before. He traveled far and wide, exploring vast forests and deep caverns with teams of fellow explorers.

Along the way he met Foe. Quir didn’t speak to Foe directly for most of the expedition, seeing as it didn’t seem that she had any interest in talking to him. Over time though, Foe opened up and Quir eventually found that he couldn’t picture life without her. Even if guild work brings them far apart most of the time Quir cares for Foe more than anything, and he tries to send letters to her frequently.

Event 2

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit.

Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.

Event 3

Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.




Quir and Foe exchange frequent letters back and forth from wherever they are in the world. Quir often includes little doodles in his, and presses flowers into the envelope. When they can be physically together, Quir and Foe spend their time laying in the sun and just enjoying each other’s presence.




Viridian has delivered many of the letters Foe and Quir have sent back and forth, and Quir enjoys talking to her during their brief interactions.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit
  • Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor
  • Vestibulum magna

  • Creator@Username
  • Designer(s)@Username
  • Obtained byTrade/ Resale/ Gift
  • Total Value$0.00

"A quote can go here..."