Jak [ACA]



2 years, 10 months ago


  • Jak


  • Species Saber-toothed Cat
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Race Kree
  • Mentor Carol Danvers
  • Theme Starlight Brigade



Apologies in advance for the fact that I don't know how words work, but I'll try and describe stinky gremlin cat the best I can.

Appearance: Jak's body is large and fairly muscular, although most of her volume comes from the cream coloured mane covering her body. Her tail is also large and covered with thick red fur, which can glow neon blue through activation of her powers, as well as being prehensile and used for grabbing. Her defining feature is her large saber-toothed fangs which are always poking out of her mouth.

Personality: Due to spending most of her life isolated within the Kree empire, with her new freedom she became very excitable and loud, especially when discovering new things/places. Although she tries her best to hide it, she’s very impulsive and emotional.She may pretend that she’s carefree and never bothered, but she’s actually very protective of her friends, partly because she fears losing them like she has in the past. Since she’s been fighting a lot longer than many of her teammates, she feels very responsable for them and has a parental nature. Part of her bubbly nature is an attempt to mask her self loathing and guilt for the wrongs she committed as a Kree warrior.

Powers: Teleportation, Flight, Energy manipulation (with gauntlets).Her body has adapted the ability to absorb energy from the quantum realm, but she struggles to control it. Whenever her body reaches a limit, the energy is spontaneously released and causes her to randomly glitch/teleport. She never knows exactly where she will teleport but she eventually learns how to trigger it. The more energy released, the further she will teleport. If she uses up all of her energy in a short amount of time without rest, she’ll quickly crash and is vulnerable to passing out.

"I never thought I needed change but it makes me proud to say that I'm somebody else now."

Allignment Hero

Build Stocky

Pronouns She/They

Orientation Lesbian

Birthday January 13th

Voice Claim Wendie Malick

Home Planet Hala

Occupation Avenger

Age 50-60 (Ages slower due to being Kree)

Status Alive

Weapons Gauntlets

Power Energy Manipulation, Teleportation

Languages English & Kree

Nickname Jak'o'lantern


  • Puns & Dad jokes
  • Visiting new planets
  • Training new recruits
  • Hugs! Once she's locked you into a hug she will not let go


  • Talking about her upbringing
  • Heat (being a giant ball of fluff doesn't help)
  • Staying in one place for too long
  • Cooking (she couldn't make a decent meal if her life depended on it)

Just a heads up: the timeline of the ACA story is structured in terms of what the character is doing during each movie's events, so it might be a little confusing if you're not familiar with the MCU!.

Before & During Captain Marvel

  • Jak is born on Hala, raised on the Kree mentality throughout her life and sees them as the heroes, conquering planets to give them a better life. In her youth she isn't very physical, pusuing education instead.She helps develop technology with the intention to improve life on Hala and is eventually taken on by Mar-vell as an apprentice to study Quantum energy, with the potential of using it for instant travel.They work together for years, and Jak views Mar-Vell as a mother figure as well as a teacher.One of their experiments goes wrong and causes an explosion of quantum energy. Jak is caught in the blast and barely survives, activating her powers. Mar-vell developed gauntlets so that Jak could control the glitches, but also give her the ability to manipulate the energy. They keep the incident a secret, knowing Jak would likely be subject to experimentation if anyone found out.

  • Mar-vell flees to Earth without a word. Jak feels betrayed and briefly struggles to control her powers in anger. When her abilities are discovered, she’s enlisted into Starforce to be trained as a weapon. She later meets Vers (Carol Danvers), forming a close bond due to their similar and unique abilities. Jak is part of the mission to rescue on Earth Carol, later confronting her for betraying the Kree. Yon-rogg tells Jak that Carol is the reason for Mar-vell’s death, causing them to attack and fight Carol. In Jak’s state of rage, she expends too much of her energy while fighting carol. She vows that she’ll avenge Mar-vell before passing out. Between Captain Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy Jak continues to fight for the Kree, bitter and angry that she lost both people closest to her: Mar-vell and Carol. She struggles with her emotions and the glitches/teleporting frantically become more frequent.

Guardians of the Galaxy - Age of Ultron

  • After hearing about the return of Ronan, Jak and her team are sent to monitor his activity. They follow him to Xandar and witness his battle against the Nova. Starforce initially assists Ronan, but Jak protests that innocent civilians will be killed, and they should honour the peace treaty by helping the Nova Corp fight back but Yon-Rogg refuses. She’s able to teleport away and attempts to assist the Nova Corp and the Guardians by sabotaging Ronan’s army without being sighted. As she’s helping Nova, she meets July’s Dad, Garthan Saal. They work together briefly during the battle. Jak begins to sympathise more with the people who were once her sworn enemy. She can’t save his life and even though she’d only met him, he’d had a great impact on her, causing her to doubt her allegiance to the Kree. Before leaving Xandar to return to her squad, Jak encounters July, recognising the familiar face and realising her relation to Saal. She approaches July; “I- I did everything I could…”. July hugs her and Jak does her best to comfort the grieving aussie.

Infinity War & The Blip

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