


2 years, 10 months ago


out of this world!

Name Alia Otrov
Age 24
Pronouns She/Her Xe/Xer
Species Alien Zombie
Role industry plant pop star
Death Date ?? ?? 2006


Whether or not you agree with the fact that Alia is an industry plant, she's definitely got the listeners to reflect that take. Seemingly overnight UFOgirls was cursed with a competitor: Alia Otrov, space age 60's enthusiast. With a sound inbetween MARINA and Gregory And The Hawk, more than the residents of KY were interested in the new up'n coming pop star. Despite this, though, rumors of her plant status rained down heavy on the figurative Alia parade, which lead to stoking the fire between her and UFOgirls manager Avril Davis, who was already not in a good mood regarding this. To think someone would have the audacity to steal her aesthetic!

On the flip side Alia is a genuinely caring person and became friends with Maggie (Maria) quickly after she signed to join UFOgirls. Even with many dark and looming music reps looking down on her Alia only appeared vain around people she thoroughly could not trust. Uncovering the mess that lay beneath UFOgirls was not nessicarily a mission given to her by some godly messenger either, think of it more as a passion project. Her first step in that regard will be to confront Maddie, then lizzie, then Kristen, and take down Avril where she stands.

"I think it's less that you're shit, and more that i'm flawless"

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