
2 years, 8 months ago



"Now you make the scene all day/But tomorrow there'll be Hell to pay..."
Name [Bartholomew "Bart" Higgins]
Name Pronunciation [Buh-ahrt]
Species [Goat]
Age [39]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Medium]
Residence [Scottsdale, Arizona]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Golden jewelry is present in both anthro and feral forms
  • Back left leg has a white marking that goes farther up his leg than that on the back right leg
  • Auburn goatee
  • Tail is much longer than the average goat's
  • Deep auburn stripes start at neck and go down back all the way to tuft on tip of tail

Bart initially appears charming, but this is a glib veneer--beneath this rather thin surface, Bart is self-involved, prideful, and scheming. As a result, he makes few close connections. However, somewhere deeper inside, there is another Bart--a scared and lonely child who needs to be cared for. Bart has not yet fully decided who he wants to be, and this makes him unpredictable as an ally. Theme song: Squirrel Nut Zippers--Hell:


Bart grew up in Louisiana--he was orphaned at a young age, and thus had to learn to fend for himself. As a teenager, Bart became fascinated by the occult and, with a little practice and luck, found that he was quite talented at communing with the supernatural. Bart wandered around the country, divesting customers of their earnings--sometimes delivering on his promises, sometimes not--and dealing with minor otherworldy entities before setting up shop in Arizona. Bart's most recent client has jolted him out of a life of complacency, introducing him to some truly powerful and malevolent beings, and will likely force him to choose: Is he ultimately going to stand for good, or for evil?


Bosch is the patriarch of a family of demons who were accidentally summoned by Candy, Bart's current client. Bosch represents a formidable opponent, should Bart choose to take him on--he is bloodthirsty, cunning, and experienced in the art of harvesting souls. However, Bosch also has a charming side, and is currently attempting to sweet-talk Bart into turning Candy over to him in exchange for riches, fame, immortality, and the like (all lies, of course). Bart is seriously considering this offer, and is not yet certain whether he truly wants to help Candy versus giving in to Bosch.


Candy is a young woman who is fascinated by the supernatural and who recently accidentally summoned a family of demons. She found Bart via an advertisement in a supermarket tabloid and turned to him for help in banishing these beings. Candy is pure of heart, naive, and frightened--a perfect mark for Bart to exploit. Somewhat uncharacteristically, however, Bart is of two minds regarding Candy--he is currently struggling to decide whether to take her for everything she has, or to do the right thing and come to her aid.


Christopher is Bart's client Candy's younger half-brother, and Candy introduced him to Bart. Christopher, to put it mildly, is not a fan of Bart's--he views him as a grifter. However, he also recognizes Bart's potential power, and thus has not acted to drive him out of Candy's life. Bart is a bit intimidated by him, but also finds himself surprised to be developing respect for brave and loyal Christopher.


Charlene is one of the demons who Candy accidentally called forth, and thus it is ostensibly Bart's task to dispatch her. Charlene knows this, but also knows that Bart is highly susceptible to corruption, and is thus currently laying her charms on him. Charlene is flirtatious, bubbly, and adorable--that is, until she drops her facade. Bart is finding himself becoming enamored of her, but giving into Charlene would be a disastrous mistake on his part.


Eugenie is the matriarch of the demon clan who Bart's client Candy accidentally invited to the mortal realm. Eugenie is a terror, driven by a desire to destroy anything remotely good. However, she also has a maternal side, which Bart finds himself drawn to. Eugenie is currently attempting to woo Bart into helping her family to trap Candy in exchange for her nurturing care, but this promise is a sham--and one that Bart had better recognize sooner rather than later.


Hylton is Charlene's brother, and thus another member of the demonic family accidentally brought to Earth by Bart's client Candy. Unlike the rest of his family, Hylton is actually a pretty chill guy--he would rather go to a club and listen to jazz with the mortals than harvest their souls. Hylton knows that he is supposed to be hunting Bart, but in truth sees him as a prospective friend. Bart is intrigued by this possibility--he thinks that having a demon friend could be interesting.


Roslyn is a departed soul who has become Candy's best friend, and thus Candy introduced her and Bart. She is warm and witty with her compatriots, but a calculating, methodical, and formidable foe should one cross her. Roslyn is not pleased that Candy has chosen Bart to help her--she sees his hidden nature and thus does not trust him. Bart, for his part, is intimidated by Roslyn, and it is in large part due to her influence that he has not yet delivered Candy to ruin.


Song represents a source of consternation for Bart--they are a bona fide angel whom Roslyn has contacted in order to help Candy. To Bart's chagrin, this means that he and Song are now colleagues, which means that holy eyes are now scrutinizing Bart's every move. Bart tries to put on a good show for Song, but Song sees right through him--they know that Bart is not nearly as kindly and pure as he appears. It remains to be seen whether Song will be responsible for punishing Bart in some fashion, or if Bart is ultimately redeemable...


Annabelle is the older sister of Bart's potential ally Charlene, but she has joined the side of the angels, and it is through her friendship with Song that she became acquainted with Bart. She is gentle and kind-hearted, but do not mistake her kindness for weakness--a fire still burns within her! Annabelle is aware that Bart is up to no good, and is desperately trying to convince him to fully commit to benevolence. Bart is unsure as of yet as to whether to consider Annabelle an annoyance or a savior--perhaps time will tell....