
4 years, 3 months ago



"But I miss you most of all, my darling/When autumn leaves/Start to fall..."
Name [Roslyn Diaz]
Name Pronunciation [Rahz-linn]
Species [Domestic cat--Siamese]
Age [Would be 90 if she were alive, but is now 65 forever]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Afterlife switchboard operator]
Residence [The afterlife]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Patterns on back are light blue and can be celestial symbols, spirals, or anything with a "mystical" theme
  • Eyes are orange
  • Rib cage is exposed, and smoke billows out and up from the spaces between the ribs
  • Pawpads are light purple
  • Face, legs up to the elbows/knees, ears, and tail are deep gray

Roslyn was a cynical, nose-to-the-grindstone type when she was alive. However, death seems to have mellowed her a bit--she recognizes now that stress contributed to her demise, and so tries to "chill out" more. Roslyn is friendlier now, even to the point of being motherly. Still, she maintains a wry and sarcastic sense of humor--she would not be herself without it! Theme song: Nat King Cole--Autumn Leaves:


Roslyn lived in Chicago when she was alive and worked as a newspaper editor. The mortal world mourned her when she died of cancer, but their loss was the afterlife's gain, as Roslyn became a "switchboard operator" in the netherworld, connecting the living with the dead via Ouija boards and the like. Although she was a bit surprised to find that life continued after death, Roslyn has settled nicely into her new role. Between the mortals she tries to help and the forces of evil she currently has to contend with, Roslyn's existence certainly is not boring!


Candy was one of the first mortals who contacted Roslyn via Oujia board--not because she was looking to commune with a lost loved one or to summon a spirit to do her bidding, but because she was lonely and wanted someone to chat with. The young woman reminded Roslyn of herself at that age--idealistic, cheerful, and unmarred by the world. Roslyn and Candy have now become the best of friends. This is fortunate for Candy, because she needs Roslyn's help in fending off some very unsavory beings...


Christopher is Roslyn's friend Candy's younger half-brother, and she introduced him to Roslyn. Roslyn took a liking to Christopher right away--she saw much to appreciate in his bravery, resilience, and loyalty. Christopher was initially shocked to learn of the existence of the spirit world via his introduction to Roslyn, but soon came to see her as a benefactor. Currently, the two are uniting their powers in an effort to protect Candy from the demons who are plaguing her.


Charlene is a demon who was accidentally summoned by Candy, who was attempting to carry out a love ritual at the time. Now, she and her family are stalking Candy in an attempt to drag her to Hell. Charlene is charming, cheery, and flirtatious on the outside, but is cold and bloodthirsty within. Roslyn sensed this immediately, and is now doing all that she can to drive Charlene and her ilk away from Candy.


Bosch is Charlene's father, and is thus a part of the pack of demons who are currently hounding Candy. He, like his daughter, is outwardly charming, but this does not fool Roslyn one bit. She is determined to send him back to Hell where he belongs. Bosch considers Roslyn to be an annoyance at best and a possible serious opponent at worst.


Eugenie is Charlene's mother, and thus in alliance with her in tormenting Candy. Eugenie is even more serious of a threat than Charlene, however--she is older, more powerful, and makes no pretenses about her desire to destroy Candy. Roslyn knows that she is up against a major challenge with Eugenie, but is nevertheless prepared to face her. Eugenie outwardly finds Roslyn to be amusing, but is secretly beginning to see her as a potential problem.


Hylton is Charlene's older brother, and thus came along with her when Candy summoned Charlene. Unlike the rest of his family, though, he is not interested in harming anyone--he would rather take Candy out dancing! Roslyn despises him just as much as the rest of his family, however, and plans to dispatch him along with them. Hylton is frightened by Roslyn, and he has good reason to be.


Annabelle and Roslyn were introduced by their mutual friend Song, as it was Song who helped Annabelle to escape her demonic family--coincidentally, the same demonic family that Roslyn has set herself against. Roslyn was a bit suspicious of Annabelle at first, but has warmed to her over time. Annabelle respects Roslyn for her dedication to the forces of good. Secretly, Annabelle hopes that her family wises up and abandons their quest before they run too far afoul of Roslyn!


Bart is a medium who Candy has recently hired, hoping that he could help her and Roslyn to defeat the demons currently tailing them. However, Candy appears to have chosen a poor ally--Bart may appear to be solicitous and righteous, but his true nature is ruthlessly self-involved. Roslyn recognizes this, and is thus highly displeased and worried at the fact that Bart has entered into her and Candy's world. However, she also recognizes the danger that Bart poses if confronted, and is therefore holding her tongue, at least for the time being.


Song is the angel who first escorted Roslyn to the afterlife, and the two have remained friends ever since. It was thus, perhaps, a no-brainer that Roslyn would eventually ask Song for their help in saving Candy, and that Song would respond to her call. Song is kind, gentle, and patient, but is also a fierce fighter, and so Roslyn is tremendously grateful to have them on her side. In turn, Song appreciates Roslyn's grit and moxie, coupled with her innate kindness--they are therefore only too happy to help her in her current endeavor.