


6 years, 8 months ago


Beryl is a Xenon Zombie unaffiliated with the Bloodhearts, but still sentient enough to act like a functioning human, more-or-less. In her pre-Xenon-revival life, Beryl was a wild party girl, spending most of her free time clubbing around Titanim, dancing, having a blast, and getting hopelessly inebriated on just about every substance she could get her hands on. There was rarely a time where she was in public and not either drunk or high on something. It was one night where she was particularly stoned that she managed to shoplift a beautiful, velvety green dress from a Titanim clothing store, too high to notice (or care about) the label indicating that it was quite an old piece of clothing, and to be very careful with it.

As it happened, that dress was a sort of Arcinian vintage item, from before Arcinians' presence and trade became so ubiquitous among other sentient species. Made with deep green pigments found on Arkin in relative abundance, the dress was completely safe to wear...for Arcinians. The compounds in the dye didn't play nice with species not native to Arkin, unfortunately; a fact that Beryl would find out the hard way. She blacked out drunk at a particularly wild party where lots of champagne had been spilled, and...never woke up again. Or, at least, she never woke up the same. The alcohol that'd soaked her dress ended up causing the dye to leach through her skin, where its toxic compounds flooded her bloodstream, and killed her before she even knew it.

After her latent Xenon infection revived her, she had no idea what had happened; she thought she'd just been blacked out for a particularly long time, and didn't think anything of it even as she looked down to see her body discolored, and as she attempted to go right back to partying, only to be hurriedly barred from the clubs by frightened partygoers who were understandably horrified by the sight of a golden-eyed zombie stumbling through the doors, veins still green with poison. Nowadays she lurks around the Drifters' Refuge looking for fun and trouble.

The strain of the virus she has (a later, more mutated strain of the Active line) did not do any good at ALL for her already rather...questionable...mental state. She's a twitchy, jittery trainwreck. Her body is also still so laden with Arkin toxins that that itself is a sort of defensive weapon for her, though her trusty metal bat does most of the offense. (It wouldn't be much help against an Arcinian foe, though.)