Garnet (Advanced relationship tracker)





Complicated neutral

Can be shipped: idc... but Melon will. (: | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:





A corrupted reinforcer of justice vs an inexperienced representative of law. After further examination, it's easy to see why they look alike. Despite never directly interacting, the presence of Watermelon in their lives connects them, no matter if they like it or not.

While Garnet despises Citri for being one of the closes gems to her sworn enemy, she acknowledges it's Citri who always stops Tourmaline from taunting her in the public and tries to apologize for their behavior.

The only time Citrine had anything against her was while Garnet was associated with the organization their group was fighting. Otherwise, she feels very neutral. After years of training under her Hessonite, Citri naturally respects those above her and doesn't wish to get in trouble for disobeying them.


Star Sapphire

Somewhat neutral

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:










Can be shipped: enemies to lovers fan, aren't ya? | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:





During early post-war era 2, the political situation on Homeworld was truly chaotic. Melanite and her newly assembled troops were given the mission to manage, control, capture or even eradicate offcolors created by the war. All things were going well if it wasn't for a furious Elbaite who found the idea of them, a war veteran, being suddenly downgraded to a status of just a defect ridiculous. Ever since they escaped the capture, Tourmaline was determined to find and rebel against any gem behind this injustice.

Despite being motivated by purely selfish desires, many had joined Melon's side, which quickly marketed Tourmaline as Melanite's biggest bounty. At first, she was baffled by their foolishness, but as time flew by, she realized how tricky of an opponent Tourmaline was. They both had some level of respect for the other, even though their teams were fighting.

Right at the peak of this rivalry, Melon not only managed to recruit traitors among Garnets troops, but also kidnap her in the moment of weakness and trade Melanite for ransom. This incident, of course, resulted in Melanite getting fired from her position as well as losing an unhealthy level of dignity. The amount of unfair games Melon had to use to achieve this dirty victory is too much for her lawful personality, thus dramatically proclaiming them as her eternal nemesis..

Now that politics calmed down again, Elbaite absolutely abuses their newly gained hierarchy position any time they see Melanite in the public. They enjoy making her life as miserable as possible and can't get enough of the fact someone so noble rages like a pitiful ruby in their presence. If that wasn't enough, it is thanks to her and Hessonite that Melon has zero respect for garnets in general.

Unlike Elbaite, who finds this whole modern situation amusing, Melanite's grudge is nothing but serious. She considers them to be a criminal who escaped justice by abusing the corrupted loopholes in their empire's system. Because of this, she also automatically dislikes anyone who belongs to Melon's social circle.



Comrade | Former coworker

Can be shipped: I won't stop u 👀| Fusion headcanon: Schorl

Team theme song:
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Ukulele





Out of curiosity, Moissanite arranged an agreement to lend one of their facility subjects, Onyx, to assist newly promoted Garnet organize her missions, troops and other responsibilities regarding leadership.

For Melanite, meeting someone who doesn't follow the standard public hierarchy felt awkward at first, but her young open mind adjusted to this strange phenomenon surprisingly fast. They had zero issues assigning each other roles for their mission nor got in a conflict like garnet nobles tend to.

As time went on, Melanite started to fully realize how relaxing is working with someone who for once doesn't judge her for anything, threats her always equally and respectfully compared to members of White's court. This made her very comfortable spending time in Onyx's chamber and talking about themes other than work. Onyx, whose mind is never occupied by practically anything, has proven to be a great listener as well as a loyal support and a resilient opponent during free time battle practice.

Even though their shared mission ended a long time ago, Melanite still visits Onyx quite frequently, especially if she's stressed. Knowing how little those around care, they both feel responsible to keep each other company. In addition to this, Garnet tries to insure her comrade is, through her eyes, in touch with the outside world and also themselves.

Onyx's low expressiveness and comprehension of humor can be sometimes challenging to deal with. Saying it never frustrates Garnet would be a lie, but luckily, she has enough understanding of their capabilities that it's never too big of a deal.




Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:
Change The Formality (duet)





After Melanite accepted her specialized offcolor control task, she was granted access to a restricted area managed by Moissanite.

Despite being in each other's presence almost every time Garnet visits the facility, they barely talk. It's clear Moissanite is actively avoiding direct contact, most likely to follow their warden protocols, and as a result interacts with outsiders as little as possible. Not to mention they don't have a reason to take Melanite's position as a garnet seriously in their place, they're the one in charge.

Melanite isn't fully sure what to make of this. On one hand, she never saw Moissanite do anything other than open doors, guard the hallway or notice their shining clothes moving above her head in a network of strings that's constantly covered in the shadows of a distant ceiling.

On the other hand, she is aware of the unsettling tension between Onyx and Moiss. She thinks there's more to their relationship than she's allowed to see, especially since Onyx appears more wary around them. She also suspects that, for whatever reason, Moissanite despises her, but refuses to admit why.



Friend | Political ally

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:





There's nothing special about two garnets spending time together. In fact, it's expected.

It all started few years after Pyrope gained her own colony. She was ready to expand her political power above and beyond, looking to befriend whoever is useful. Ever since Pyrope laid her eye on a newly created Melanite, she knew this was a fine opportunity to form her first diplomatic ally in White's court. She started showing her around, limit her social time with other garnets, feed her with fake compliments or even gifts to enhance Melanite's noble look. The most notable ones being a metallic crown, boot ornaments and shoulder decor Melanite uses even to this day.

Melanite, who was completely oblivious to this manipulation, started idolizing Pyrope. She would establish the same or very similar opinions to Pyry, embrace era 1 culture, excitedly follow her advices and generally feel close to her.

Of course, this one-sided friendship couldn't last forever. Not only Pyrope later learned Melanite won't have any political power in White court before turning 5000 years old, but more importantly started feeling sorry for her. Pyry's guilt over her fakeness mixed with an emerging worry of being responsible for Melanite's safety in this cruel political world forced her to inevitable change her selfish intentions.

Despite everything what happened, they both remain genuine friends until this day. While Melanite still somewhat looks up to her, they treat each other much more casually now. Things such as spa days, visiting theater or long chatting in Pyrope's palace are one of many recreation activities they, as a rightful nobles, enjoy together. In addition to this, Pyry still remains as Melanites's good mentor, teaching her everything about politics.



Friend | Political ally

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:



