The Impersonator



2 years, 8 months ago


Age: Could be late 20's to mid 40's
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 5'9"

 A well mannered man with a gentle way of speaking and a shy disposition, he has a humble salt of the earth quality about him. Or he could be the charismatic heartbreaking bad boy who you called your brother all those years ago. Perhaps he could be the simple and sweet son youve always wanted and didnt know you had sired in that one night stand in your 20's. Your odd but endearing uncle with a penchant for the arts who never made it off that boat trip he assured you he would return from. The Impersonator wears many faces and many names but his true identity is that of a relatively average man from a relatively average town. He has no real outstanding qualities aside from his ability to manipulate and make you want to believe him even if you know you shouldnt. His goal is simple, he makes a living taking what hes given from families grappling with loss. If a person or couple is particularly aged he will win over their favor and enter into their wills and simply live with them and wait for them to expire before moving on. Other times he simply works his way into a family before leaving one night with any valuables he can carry or takes his time with slowly taking things and asking for loans. He has never killed or done any violence to anyone. He tells himself the families of the missing never get a chance to properly move on from their losses, you have to say goodbye eventually dont you? What better way than getting some quality time with your loved one before being overcome with anger towards a stranger, its an easy way to forget grief, or thats what he uses to justify his actions. 

His bounty was put together by a group of families targeted by him, no one takes it very seriously and the bounty itseIf is not very high. Hes seen as a non-issue since hes a non violent offender and most of the time was given anything he took to begin with.

-got his start by taking classes for his friends and seeing how blatantly he could lie to teachers
-doesnt actually believe hes doing the right thing
-cannot stand being told "no"
-his brief case is generally empty besides a few basics and dozens of old missing posters that somewhat resemble himself
-can become erratic if cornered
-sometimes gets emotionally attached to the old couples he stays with until they expire, does not stop him from taking and selling everything left to him
-likes to play siblings against one another to cover himself
-fears prison more than most things, cannot handle being confined
-targets lower to middle class families because authorities typically dismiss them 
