The Shipwright



1 year, 7 months ago


Age: mid 50s
Pronouns: they/them
Species: human
Height: 6’1"

Having worked in the same shipyard for around 30 years, the Shipwright has become a fixture in their coastal community. They feel like they belong in the shipyard, as if they were born to inhabit it. The Shipwright comes across as someone whos comfortable no matter where they are, physically and socially despite their solitary lifestyle. They arent antisocial but don’t seek out others to spend their time with, if someone wanders to them theyre quite welcoming and polite. They have a relaxed but perhaps airy disposition about them which readily shifts into a much more intent and humorous albeit dry attitude. The quiet humble feeling they give off unintentionally hides their more inquisitive and eccentric tendencies. Its easy to misunderstand them if you don’t pay close attention. They themself are the observant type and can read people well and with ease, its not something they do intentionally. They do however do most other things intentionally, they are not careless and can a bit anal retentive about their own work, not quite a perfectionist but when you build ships that hold living people you cannot afford to get it right only on the second attempt. They arent harsh and wont bark orders but they will go behind others and quietly correct their work which can sometimes annoy their coworkers but no ones ever been able to find fault with the Shipwrights revisions. In private they have something like a cross between an artistic streak and a tendency for engineering blasphemy constantly assembling small scale structures just to see if they can, testing theories and designs to their known limits like its a game. They have a passion for construction and their designs take up most of the livable space in their home and is their main hobby. 

They are who constructed the Hunters strange amphibious “rv” home. The man came to them some years ago attempting to find a builder willing to be commissioned for such a bizarre structure. The Shipwright had never done something so ambitious to full scale and when presented with the handsome commission the man had to offer couldn’t pass up the opportunity. These days they view it as a bit of an embarrassing project, seeing ways they could have done it much better but also cant help but feel a bit of pride when the Hunter brings it in for very rare maintenance and it still holds beautifully. They have offered to overhaul the design but he refuses to let them, liking it as it is. The Shipwright quite likes the Hunter, seeing the both of them as kindred spirits in some respects. They often rope him into helping them with their work when he does come by for whatever reason. 

-they can fall asleep literally anywhere. Doesn’t matter how uncomfortable it looks. They can and will do it
-isnt a workaholic despite how they come across, likes spending time at home tinkering
-scary good balance, can walk effortlessly on rafters that should by all means snap under their weight
-has a scottish accent, atypical for the area they live in now
-their glasses prevent sand from getting in their eyes AND the light bouncing from the ocean from blinding them, they have ones for detail work at their home too
-they were married once and are happily divorced
-they are allergic to commitment for numerous reasons part of which relates to the divorce, they do not date
-deeply skeptical and not superstitious whatsoever which can sometimes clash with their seafaring clients
-hums while they work
-sneezes so fucking loud.