The Cleft Scholar



1 year, 12 days ago


Age: 30
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human
Height: 6'1"

A woman with a loud but unstable demeanor, covering up her lack of socialization with a mixture of feigned abrasion and funneling excess anxiety into physical or verbal activity. She speaks in long rambling sentences to no one in particular and often has a tremor to her from the clear threadbare condition shes worked herself into. On the surface the scholar appears to be a washed up and erratic transient, but in actuality shes a rather competent alchemist (though shes put her research on pause for now). Rather than focusing on field work (studying how polychirium is processed in an environment) she specializes in classifying and defining the various qualities of the material itself. The nature of her job is a dangerous one, needing to work with highly refined forms of polychirium to study it proper is a known cause of premature death or grave bodily harm within alchemy.

While she loves her work and the science of alchemy with her entire heart and being, finding it to be her passion, she is suffocated by the requisite isolation of it. Being a very social creature, the scholar struggles with knowing she must lead a life of relative isolation as any around her long term would be affected by the polychirium contaminate. She dealt with this by talking to herself and whatever creatures she took care of, or at times little dolls she would make in her free time but the feeling of perhaps making the wrong choice to throw herself into a career like this began to take its toll little by little. She eventually fell ill from a mixture of overwork (in an attempt to distract herself), stress, and her overall lab conditions but when she improved she seemed to have had a "revelation".  She has put all of her research on the backburner and has left her lab in search for a "sister" of hers, a twin to be precise. She seems to have some very important business with the woman shes searching for and lets nothing distract her from her goal, to her detriment..

-she struggles with both anxiety and insomnia, self medicating with laudanum (and has formed a dependence of it)
-she seems to be easily confused on matters unrelated to finding her twin, especially dates, she always seems to say the wrong year when asked for it
-she loves children and has the energy of the "fun" parent when around them, isnt afraid to answer the banana phone (metaphorically)
-she also loves animals and took care of the ones she had to use in her work until their end, though she also had other regular pets, mostly consisting of invertebrates for both
-she had an especially precious pet called "meatball" who was an accidental beast created by her giving her pet colony of ants tainted water in a fit of opiate addled sleep exhausted delirium. He eventually passed from old age but she loved that thing and still misses him.
-she likes to pretend to flirt with people but if someone actually reciprocates she freezes up awkwardly
-she is often "smiling" in a grimace, which is close but not exactly her genuine smile
-she has chiroplasia (hand-shaped growths caused by polychirium exposure) but its not visible when she is clothed