The Highway Robber



2 years, 2 months ago


Age: 20
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 5'11"

A callous young man who makes a living off of others, primarily postmen and the occasional mugging of a well to do family or two. He sees others in the context of how they can benefit him and the less someone has to offer the less he cares about them. He has a blunt and calm demeanor but calm does not mean polite. He cares little for the hundreds of arbitrary reasons why you're supposed to respect someone, things like age, gender, familial ties, and social status mean nothing to him. He's demanding and he sees no value in pleasantries as they just cut into time he could be using elsewhere. He doesn't throw fits when he doesn't get his way but he expects total instant subordination and gratification from others and gets annoyed when that doesnt happen. Hes not above using threats either but actually prefers non violent means, since people have more value alive than dead since you cant do much with a corpse. He absolutely will rob the same person more than once and likes to keep his options open. He's stubborn and close minded, not bothering in debating his viewpoints since it's a waste of time and in general is just incredibly difficult to interact with even when he isn't shaking you down. 

His bounty was placed by his own parents working alongside the judicial system, seeking to reform their wayward son. He comes from an average middle class family without much power, however his aunt has friends in high places and pulled some hefty favors at the request of his father so the robber, if caught, would be conscripted into community service rather than executed, in an attempt to change his ways. He doesn't care about any of that and just finds it quite annoying, but it's not like anyone's good enough to actually catch him so he pays it no mind.

Note: he loses the gun when he meets hunter, and does not often wear the coat and hat during his stay so all are optional

-he calls everyone insulting titles, hunter is "ugly old man" and chimera is "hag"
-was working with a woman and man before being captured but both quickly fled leaving him behind
-hes uninterested in physical relationships
-he is mixed and takes after his father but has his mothers hair
-the gun he stole and altered was a family heirloom, which no longer shot right after so he used it to scare people not wanting to kill them anyways, has smacked someone with it before though
-has a  slight under bite that makes his bottom lip poke out a tiny bit, giving him a pout look