The Plates (Draco Plate [Lord Samael])



6 years, 2 months ago


Lord Samael

True Name Anguis

Called Lord Draco, Big Guy, Sammy

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Elemental type Dragon

Age Adult

Class The Beast

Alignment Neutral Evil

Mate (s) Bruce

Malzeno Battle Theme

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

I don't care who the hell you are or your allegiance. I am Lord Samael, and you will refer to me as such. I will fall to someone like you.


  • Training. Samael loves getting stronger, as it means he can fight stronger foes with relative ease.
  • Dragons. The male enjoys being around his kind and seems to become a bit laidback and playful around them.
  • Treasure. What can I say? Every dragon needs its hoard, and Samael is the embodiment of dragons.


  • Pixel. Samael finds it annoying that he can't hurt Pixel with his attacks, and he has a type advantage over the dragon plate.
  • Touching his Dragon's Heart. The male refuses to let anyone touch it. It doesn't matter if you're a friend or foe.
  • The whole concept of love. The male doesn't fully understand it too well and thinks it's too confusing.


  • Training. I mean how else is he supposed to get stronger? By sleeping?
  • Hunting. If you give him a opportunity to hunt down something, not only will he become your friend, but he might even give you a piece of whatever you're hunting as a gift.
  • Collectings things for his hoard. A large hoards makes Samael a very happy dragon.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf

The Untamable



DOm. hand



The Devil


The Rebel




Imparverse [Damian]

Setting [Host]











Samael is, by definition, the embodiment of the bad traits of a stereotypical dragon. He’s prideful, stubborn, and very easily angered. This combination of traits makes Samael is one of the more harder plates for Damian to control. Samael isn't usually the type that likes working with others. Even if you convince him, the male will assert his dominance. In his eyes, he believes others should listen to him due to being superior than them. His primal urges overtake his ability to think carefully about whatever he plans to do. As such, he tends to think with his fists rather than his brain. This isn't to say that he's stupid. Samael is a relatively intelligent plate if you sit down to listen to him. For that reason, one should be careful when it comes to suggesting he's a idiot. He takes offense to anyone insulting his intelligence.

Samael cares deeply for Ino and Bruce. The two of them are one of the few that get to see his softer, calmer side. Samael is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them if anything happens to him. When it comes to Bruce, Samael is fond of him. He enjoys sparring with Bruce (and honestly doing anything with him). The two of them do respect the other's strength and have no problem seeing each other as being equal. Samael loves Bruce but refuses to admit it. On the surface, one can assume it's his pride. However, there's more to it. In his eyes, he's still trying to process how love works and partially feels he doesn't deserve it. In his eyes, he sees himself as a beast. Beasts don't deserve love and shouldn't need it to survive. It's such a pointless least that what he likes to believe to try to avoid falling deeper in love.

Speech Pattern

Samael isn't afraid to saying what's on his mind in the most bluntest way person. One argue that it's simply due to the fact he doesn't care. Another argue that it's the fact he isn't fully aware that what he can say can be hurtful. Whatever the case may be, it's hard to enough the fact that Samael can come across as him being uncaring and rude. Samael doesn't seem to really care. Despite his insistence of others referring to him as Lord Samael, he certainly doesn't speak as a noble. He is often loose and laidback with how he speaks. A very interesting thing to note is the fact that he often growls, hisses and makes various other animal-like sounds whenever he's angry.






Woodsy Smell







Element (outside type)




Time of day


Clothing item








Height 7'5 ft (226.06 cm)

Weight 281 lbs (127.9 kg)

Build Bulky


Samael has a stocky, muscular built with scars covering his body. With dark skin, the male has a five' o clock shadow that he rarely grooms. His long, purple hair flows down to his butt and gradients to a lighter shade of purple. His eyes are purple, and his pointy ears are long like an elf. Samael has curved, purple horns on his head with black bat-like wings and a long, scaly tail. The male nails are shown to be black.


Samael wears yellow hakama that falls to his knees with purple dragons flowing along them. Bandages cover his stomach, and a necklace (with teeth dangling off it) is worn around his neck. A large, purple gauntlet with black claws is often seen completely envelop his left arm. The gauntlets bear the resemblance to a hand of a dragon.

Design Notes

  • Occasionally, the male keep his hair into a messy bun if he views his hair as being too bothersome.
  • The scars that Samael received come from the various battles that the male has been involved in. He carries those with pride.
  • With the use of his Dragon's Soul, the male is able to transform into a Dragon. It should be noted the Dragon form be divided into two forms: Anthro and Feral.
  • If you look to Samael's back, you will find his mate mark from Bruce on it.


Quick Synopsis

The world of Impar is most certainly a different world compared to Pokémon World. As it stands, the world of Impar is one that is not only filled with Pokémon and humans. Oh no. Demons, angels and all kinds of oddities exist within this universe. However, to avoid disturbing the order of the world, these beings keep themselves in realms that rest opposite of Impar, only visiting the realm if they wish to explore the unknown. However, one has to wonder how Impar itself was created. We do know Arceus and Mew were involved in the process, but few are aware of what created this world. There are theories, but most are proven wrong. The answer itself is quite simple.

The plates are how the world was created.

These elemental spirits gave the ingredients needed for a world to be born. Their mere presence inspired the world to adapt to what was needed. They gave Pokemon their type and the legends that once held them the powers they would be known for. However, for decades, many regarded these spirits as nothing more than tools for Arceus. They thought that they lacked sentience and the ability to feel human emotions. These mortals were wrong in their assumption. Oh, so wrong.

Here we have Samael. Samael is the Draco Plate and has the title of the Dragon Spirit. Being the seventeenth plate that was made, Samael wasn't necessarily the most liked plate in the world. His wild, prideful has always been something that bothered people. Most tends to see Samael as a wild animal that cares little about other people besides himself. In actuality, this isn't quite the case. There is a side of Samael that few get to see as the male keeps to himself. He doesn't want to be seen as being weak in any way.

Creation Era

His name was Samael. At least that's what Arceus told him when he opened his eyes. Samael was born from the warmth of Arceus' heart and Toammoagha' [Dragon Type Primal]. Being Toammoagha's champion, Samael was the Draco Plate. What was the purpose of his creation? He was to serve as the ideal image for all those draconic. Samael was always an unruly and wild plate compared to his setmates (Normalis and Toxic). In the eyes of others, he represents the primitive side of nature. In a way, he was the Yang to the Fighting Plate. Despite this, Samael isn't a stupid plate. While his intelligence isn't to the level of the Mind Plate, one should avoid scoffing at it. When he uses it, he often pulls off impressive feats. However, those are few and far between, as the male animalistic nature overtakes his intelligence. He solves his problems with his fists rather than his brain. Does that often bite him on the ass? Yes. Does he care? No. After all, his strength is one of the reasons why he managed to be one of the few plates to avoid death.

When it came to Samael's relationship with the plates, Samael wasn't necessarily a well-liked guy. He is notorious to cause a few headaches here and there. Combined with how nasty his attitude was, it was no surprise that few plates liked him. In terms of plates he was closest to, Samael was fond of Normalis and Toxic. Despite being the 'middle child' of the set, the other two plates saw Samael as an older brother. He did whatever he can to make sure Toxic and Normalis were safe and comfortable. He would nag them if they did anything that could potentially harm them and judge who they were with. Toxic and Normalis (mostly Toxic) would often tease Samael with how protective he can be, and call him a papa bear. They weren't too bothered by how Samael acted, given how in tune he was with his draconic side. Anything he considers his family was his property. His property needed to be protected, so he wouldn't lose them. However, it made sense for him to act this way.

He did lose Normalis and Toxic. In Normalis' case, he only lost him once. When the male snapped and became one with chaos, Samael felt like it was his fault for letting him fall for Ni (the previous half of Mind Plate). He was aware that the male was in a relationship with him. He thought that it would help him find an identity. He didn't think that it would end with Normalis becoming one with chaos. It didn't help that he never received the opportunity to save him as Normalis was sealed away by Arceus. For Toxic, he had to experience the pain of feeling the male die three times. He had to suffer through the pain that he was once again unable to protect his setmate by himself as Normalis was gone. He felt like he deserved the pain for what happened. He should have been there to protect them from harm. He should have the strength to be able to protect them. However, these incidents just showed that he doesn't. As such, he decided that he needed to get stronger for their sake. He had to if he wanted to be able to protect them. As he grew stronger, he started to slowly shut away more of his human side to embrace his draconic side. He rejected his name and embraced the name 'Draco'.

To him, it felt like it was needed.

Samael wasn't a man who cared too much about love. At least when it came to anything besides familiar. He always saw the thing as being troubling. What was the point of falling in love? It didn't make you stronger. That made his relationship with Bruce to be quite troubling. Bruce was the Fighting Plate. He was beautiful. There's no denying that. That curly hair of his and that bright smile was enough to knock him off his feet. He was optimist that knew what to bring a smile on your face. He didn't seem him as a beast that he was trying to show off to the world. He saw him as something more than that. He saw him as a natural beauty in a world where such a thing was rare. He only cared about being himself since it wasn't worth changing for others. Samael wasn't sure if Bruce was blind to reality or too damn innocent. Perhaps both.

However, his heart yearned for him.

He didn't want to admit this. After all, the male fell in love with him the moment they met. It's embarrassing to think about since he would always state that love, at first sight, was corny. He couldn't help it. His Dragon Heart was forcing him to feel sensations he didn't want to feel. The organ usually limits the connections he made to dragons. For some reason, the organ decided that it would make a connection with Bruce. To this day, Samael isn't sure why. He tried to remove the bond between them but failed. He felt every single emotion that Bruce felt when he was near. He felt his happiness. He felt his sadness. He felt his fear. He felt every single thing. Samael hated this as he was forced to deal with his human side. He didn't see the need for it.

But then it happened.

All it took was the incident centering about the death of Iron and the near-death of Mind. The two weren't there when it occurred. However, it wasn't needed. Bruce was setmates with Mind and Iron. Setmates had an empathetic bond that allows them to sense their feelings, emotions, and the pain they feel. However, that bond is only triggered unless the quantity of whatever that person feels is to a higher degree. In other words, being emotionally distress lead to that bond opening. Considering Iron died and Mind was nearly killed, it's not surprising it opened. This led to Bruce feeling the pain the two were experiencing. Hell, he even heard the pained sounds they gave and their pleas. Dealing with this caused Bruce to breakdown and run away when he realized what happened to his setmates.

Samael felt the pain and fear that tore through Bruce. It killed him. It was suffocating. How can someone as bright and beautiful as Bruce carry such toxic emotions? It made him sick. However, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the male. He knew how it felt to lose the people you care about. It was something he was trying to deal with. He didn't want the male to fall down the same path as him. The male didn't need to become like him. The plates didn't need another beast. They already had one. That's why Samael went after him. That's why Samael sat next to him and let him cry into his shoulders. That's why he draped his wings over his body. That's why he gave him the advice to become stronger. He didn't need him to become a beast. He was too beautiful for that. Samael felt that it was his duty to be the big bad so Bruce could be better than him.

If it allowed him to become more beautiful as a result, so be it.


The relationship with Bruce and Samael became a strange one after that. Bruce was one of the few people that Samael allowed to call him by the name that Arceus assigned to him. Samael couldn't be bothered to correct Bruce whenever he would slip up. It was adorable. Regardless, their relationship has always been centered around fighting. Not arguing. Hand-to-hand combat. Both of them enjoyed fighting as it brought a level of thrill to them. Not only that, but fighting was a way for both of them to get stronger. This allowed both of them to get stronger. Samael wanted them to be stronger as a means to protect those he cared and he liked to see Bruce grow. The two of them were two sides of the same coin. Samael was a wild dog while Bruce was a domesticated dog.

Then he started to pay attention to Bruce.

He started to notice how often he looked at him when they were training. He noticed how flashes of desires filled those bright eyes. He noticed how shy he was around him and how much he smiled when he looked at him. He noticed how long those hands of his linger. His heart felt the euphoria that Bruce had for him. He felt that the connection between the two of them strengthen despite Samael's attempts to stop it. It didn't take long to realize what was going on.

Bruce was in love with him.

Bruce was in love with him.

Bruce was in love with the monster.

Bruce shouldn't be in love with him. He shouldn't be. Samael killed a plate before. It was an incarnation of the Sky Plate that he killed some years before POA. Samael isn't afraid to admit that he did provoke the plate. There was no excuse for the male acting the way he did. However, he didn't honestly think that the male would lash out. He didn't think that their fighting would become bloody. He didn't think Sky would make him angry to the point that he killed them. He didn't mean to kill them. It was an honest mistake. His primal urge was only trying to protect him. It was eliminating the thing he thought would kill him. Because of this, Sky blood stains their hands. It would forever stain their hand, especially when Sky's final incarnation mention that he will ruin his life with this information if he ever hurts Sky's loved ones. Bruce didn't deserve to love this monster. What if he hurts him? What if he ends up killing him? He didn't want to be punished for being who he was. He didn't want to have another plate's blood on his hands.

As such, Samael decided to play dumb. He tried to pretend he didn't have any interest in being in a relationship. He tried to do whatever he can to maintain the friendship the two had. It was for the best. He didn't want to ruin the relationship they currently have. He wanted Bruce to love someone else so he can escape this hell. He didn't deserve a monster as a lover. It was something that he would continue to struggle with over the years that would only become complicated sometime after Damian's fall.

Damian's fall occurred after the male was hit with Naoto's move and sent flying off a cliff. Falling into a coma, Damian was teleported away from Mi to an unknown location. However, the plates themselves were panicking as the damage done to Damian's body was severe enough that he was lying close to death's door. While he did have the benefit of reincarnation (thanks to his guardian status), the plates didn't know what would happen to them when Damian died. There was also the concern that Yveltal wouldn't be fast enough to save him. For that reasoning, they decided to fuse with Damian. While this did mean Arceus would no longer be able to use them as they were stuck with Damian, they didn't have any other options or the time needed to reflect on them. Giving a silent apology to their Creator for what they were going to do, these elemental spirits fused themselves into Damian, becoming one with the male.

Rotom Era-Our Story Era (Now)

Again, Samael was too weak to protect a person he cares. I suppose he might as well just accept that at some point. The time that Damian spent in a coma was a rough one. Samael was beating himself up at the fact he failed to protect Damian. However, he forced himself to push that aside to focus on Bruce. He knew the male was suffering and wanted to do everything in his power to help him. The two needed each other.

Bruce and Samael became closer. Sexual relations became a thing that was introduced into their relationship. It started as a form of stress relief, but it became something complex. It became one of their ways of comfort and allowing them to see each other in their primal state. It got them to communicate more and truly test what the other was allowed to see. For Samael, it was a trap that only pulled him deeper into his love for Bruce.

Samael wanted to be fine with this, but beasts shouldn't deal with such disgusting human emotions such as love.

When the "War of Providence" ended, things became strange for Samael and Bruce. It is unclear where they stand in their relationship. They do care for each other, and Samael loves Bruce. However, Samael isn't sure if he's worth Bruce's attention. They do have a daughter, who complicates things further. However, Ino is determined to get her father his happy ending. She knows how much he's suffering and understands he needs Bruce's love to overcome his pain. At least, he actually got around to accepting his name 'Samael'.





Special Attack

Special Defense


Tactic Going All Out

Attitude Feral

Luck/Stamina Average/Above Average

Weapon Wyvern Muramasa [Gauntlets]

Weapon Info

Technically speaking, Samael's main weapon of choice is his body. He doesn't need a weapon to fight. However, Samael's Dragon Soul allows him to summon a gauntlet. Covering his left arm, this gauntlet protects Samael's hand from cuts and lacerations during battle. While it is one of the slower weapons, it's certainly one of the strongest in Samael's atsenal. A single slash from these claws on this weapon can leave one whimpering in pain. Samael can channel energy into the gauntlet for more damage and knockback.


  • He has more varied types moves due to his elemental breath.
  • With his ability to summon various dragon parts, he is able to pull off incredible tricks.
  • He isn't the type that will give up easily even if things are against him.


  • He doesn't often think before he attacks a enemy.
  • When he gets too emotional, he often loses control of his powers and often slips into his dragon form.
  • Good luck getting him to work with anyone.
Dragon Soul
Main Skill


Samael has the soul of a dragon. A Dragon Soul allows Samael to draw draconian energy to morph into a dragon. With the use of his Dragon Soul, the male generates parts of a dragon. The parts he generates range from things such as wings and a tail. His favorite is Dragon Arm as a punch from it can rival a punch from Bruce. When pushed, the male can transform into a full-blown dragon, but let's hope that one doesn't happen. The male does lose control when in that form.

Dragon Heart
Secondary Skill


Dragon Heart is one of the many applications that come with Dragon Soul but a very important one. The Dragon Heart allows for Samael to establish a connection with other dragons and grow stronger while in their presence. For Samael, it is an important power he cherishes. However, it is one that can cause harm to Samael as he can feel the emotions from other dragons. Of all the emotions Samael can deal with, agony and sadness are the two that Samael wishes to avoid. It's why he often avoid being out when a dragon is experiencing any form of pain or distress.

Elemental Breath
Tetiary Skill


Samael is a dragon so it would be silly for him to not have a elemental breath! However, Samael's elemental breath partially draws on the energy of the plates to create different variations of it. For example, if he draws on the energy of the fire plate, his elemental breath becomes Flamethrower. If he draws on the energy of the steel plate, his elemental breath becomes Flash Cannon.

Racial Skill


Being the Draco plate, Samael has access to dragon moves. His moves consist of Double Team, Judgment, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Solar Beam, Sludge Wave, Thunder, Mud Bomb, Extrasensory, Power Gem, Blizzard, Signal Beam, Ominous Wind, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Moonblast, Body Press, Breaking Swipe, Clangorous Soul, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Dragon Darts, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Dual Chop, Outrage, Poison Jab, Dragon Breath, Iron Defense, Earthquake and Brutal Swing



This necklace was a gift from Bruce around POA era. Samael has kept it close to him and is often very protective of anyone trying to touch or remove it from him. It seems to be one of the few things he truly cherish out of the many things he received in his life. Don't tell Bruce though. God knows he won't shut about it!

Wyvern Muramasa [Gauntlets]

Why punch your enemies normally when you can summon a large gauntlet and beat the shit out of them with it! As mentioned, Samael can make this weapon appear and disappear on command. Most of the time, he tends to keep it out since he's always ready for a good battle.


You can't be a dragon without a certified hoard! It's practically a requirement to have one. It doesn't have to be a messy one! Organized hoards can exist. Granted, Samael hoard is quite a mess. Thank god he keeps that within Damian's headspace because that might take up a large living room with how much stuff he has.


While he rarely wears it, Samael has a jacket that he sometime wear in cold weather when he's forced to deal with it. This jacket is something that Damian made for him since he seems largely picky on whatever other garbs end up on his body. Sometimes, he lets Bruce wear his jacket if he can't find his own jacket.



  • Samael's powers were based on the powers from the Legend of Dragoon.
  • Samael's Dragon Heart is to left of his actual heart.
  • Samael's personality and name had only been changed in the last year or so.


  • Samael prefers to wear as little as possible. He cites clothing makes fighting a chore.
  • Samael wasn't originally as scarred as he was until I had BigGayFish redesign him.
  • Samael was one of the few characters that I originally coded to be black.



Samael loves Bruce. He really doesn't admit.. but Arceus he loves him. He has been in love with him for a long time, and it bothers him that he can't escape his feelings for him espesically when he knows Bruce loves him. He doesn't want to admit that he loves him because he doesn't feel like Bruce should be with him. He deserves something better than this beast. Someone as beautiful as him should fall in love with someone better than him. It's been getting harder to avoid his feelings for him as times past. It certainly doesn't help his daughter is pushy about getting them together.


Samael loves Ino. He loves the female with all his heart. He will do everything in his power to make sure nothing happens to her even if it means getting hurt in the process. Unlike Bruce, he does try his hardest to avoid being overbearing to her. After all, Bruce already does a good job at that. That and Samael wants to come off as being the cool dad. He does hope the female live a happy life as she grows older. He isn't fond of the fact that she is pushing him to admit his feelings to Bruce. He doesn't need Bruce's love....even if he craves it every second of the day.


While Samael and Damian may bump heads when it comes to how Samael act when in control of Damian's body, Samael respects Damian. With everything the male went through, it's hard for him not to. In Samael's heart, he feels that Damian shouldn't have to go through so much pain when doing the things that he does. As such, despite thei differences, Samael sees Damian as a younger brother and can be overprotective of the male whenever he gets seriously hurt. This can be seen through how it took weeks for the plates to get Samael away from Damian's body when he was in coma.


Samael doesn't have a preference for who he prefers out of the two brothers. He likes both of them equally and lets that be known with how he tends to keep a good eye on them when they happen to be out with him. Compared to Hyde, Samael can be a worrtwort when it comes to the two. It makes sense given the number of times they died previously. He often nag Toxi about how lazy he's being at the moment and Ick about his tendency to get into trouble. However, he will always be there when they need him regardless of the situation.


Samael isn't bothered by the chaotic nature of his Setmate and often finds it amusing. He is one of the few plates that started off not being bothered by how unruly he was during the POA era. The man was just so happy to hve his Setmate back. Samael cares deeply for Hyde and rambles to him about whatever is bothering him. He's not too fond of the fact he's with Pixel. However, he has no plans on poking the male about it, seeing how Pixel makes him happy. In fact, Samael uses Hyde as a excuse for Pixel to stop "bullying" him whenever he's trying to do stuff.


Samael feels a form of kinship with Zap. He's one of the only plates that he told the male causing the death of Skye's previous incarnation and often confides in him about his feelings with Bruce. Zap never judged on that and often tries to slowly guide Samael in revealing his feelings. It's something that Samael appreciates as he fears telling anyone else about it. The two often spend their time together talking about their kids or engaging in spars with each other. Zap is one of the few plates that Samael is perfectly fine with just calling him Samael.