Lara Demirci



1 year, 5 months ago



Name Lara Demirci

Gender Information

Age Information

Race Information

Orientation Information

Occupation Information

Residence Information

Worth Information

Designer Information

Design Notes

  • She used to regularly graffiti the abandoned buildings of New Idalia, and became well-versed what areas/neighborhoods were safe from the Skado (shadow creatures) as a result. 
  • Runs when frustrated/angry. Most people stay off the streets, but she's confident enough with her routes that she can avoid most trouble without a lot of effort. 
  • Uses a flamethrower as a part of her job; she's been tasked with keeping the streets clean from threads/webbing from another dimension. As a result, she wears fire-resistant overalls, long sleeves, and gloves when on duty. (But.. in a goth-ish way.) 
  • Practical/casual goth. When not on the job, she tends towards a darker color palette, greyscale, reds, fishnets, tights. But her job requires a lot of movement so she prefers jeans.     
  • Tends to be the mom friend, but in a 'you idiot, what do you mean you haven't had food in ten hours' way. While also handing over a snack pack and a bottle water. 

Lara Demirci


Lara's never been a stranger to feeling stuck. Stuck in New Idalia, the city that took responsibility for her parents' legacy. Stuck, hiding with her siblings under different names so they didn't get caught in the midst of the politics of the city.  And now, discovered, stuck in the spotlight so she could distract the Conservatory as her brother and sister made a getaway. But it was the logical, necessary choice that fulfilled the promise she made to her parents. And Lara was nothing, if not true to her word. 

Though often characterized by her warmth and enthusiasm, the eldest Demerci considers it stoicism- her strongest trait. Beneath her impeccable manners and practiced smile, she cares too much. She tries to convince others, (and herself) that the things she's given up to help people isn't something that bothers her, but struggles with  anger when it comes to what could've been. She wishes she could've stepped into her parents' legacy while they were around to guide her, instead of playing lookout in what would ultimately be a losing game. She does her best to hold it all in, but can't always hide her struggles from her friends- and though it takes her a lot to ask for help, she's made some advances with their support at letting them in. 


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After her parents passed away, Lara didn't have a choice but to continue following the explicit instructions she was given by her mother a day before the start of school.  1. Don't trust Asa Covington-Reyes. 2. Stay away from Joaquin Desoto. 3. Make sure her younger siblings' permission slips were turned in for their field trip on Friday. Her priorities were in order, written on three pastel sticky notes, and stuck to the fridge next to the memorial pamphlet with her parents' faces on the front page. 

Her mother had prepared her for everything, directly or indirectly, when it came to surviving in New Idalia. She'd long known how to protect her siblings from the Skado, dangerous creatures from another dimension. She'd learned for herself what parts of the city to stay away from. And, more importantly, which people. But her mother hadn't been around long enough to add the name of the new girl in Lara' class to the 'avoid' list. She'd had noticed her in passing, of course, but hadn't ever really paid attention to her- until W.P. Moore chased a skado into her backyard at 5 AM on a Thursday, with A.J. Covington-Reyes and Joaquin Desoto in tow. 

Lara really could've used a sticky note for that.


TLDR: Though she originally blamed Wensley for bringing her into the Conservatory’s attention, Lara later realized she was nothing more than a catalyst- and an incredibly apologetic one to boot. They’ve worked together since then to keep Lara’s siblings out of the spotlight, and found a safe haven in each other’s confidences. And they won’t hesitate to take down anyone who threatens the other, one way or another. (They’re the ‘what you say ‘bout me’ ‘ hold my flower’ ‘ kick his ass. I got yo flower‘ text post,  with Lara being the one to kick someone’s ass. )

Praesent a feugiat erat. Sed vel tortor maximus, lobortis ipsum eget, tincidunt nisi. Duis quam risus, scelerisque eu cursus eu, finibus non dui. Aliquam a ipsum mi. Nunc sit amet tellus vitae metus aliquam sodales sed ut enim. Vestibulum nec nisl metus. Aliquam nulla sapien, ullamcorper in libero at, elementum auctor ligula.

Nam sit amet ligula id metus placerat aliquet ac eget est. Morbi convallis nulla aliquam massa pretium malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper non velit sed lacinia.



TLDR: Lara intended to keep her distance from Asa, even after he showed up with Joaquin and Wensley at her front door. He was, unfortunately, more talented at clocking false enrollment records than her teachers were, and proved concerningly willing to provide her with the resources necessary to make them look more realistic. He did it, as he said, to make them ‘even’- but she didn’t believe him. Without another tactic, she turned to ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’ tactic- only to find herself genuinely enjoying his presence in her life. She won’t go as far as to trust him entirely, but won’t deny being his friend.

 Vivamus sed risus aliquet, ornare tortor ac, ornare ipsum. Nulla ultrices quis massa a ullamcorper. Mauris semper facilisis vehicula. Mauris id erat eget lacus finibus lobortis et ornare mauris. Nam placerat lectus venenatis, dapibus quam eu, interdum lectus.

TLDR: Mutual (sing-song) animosity. There’s an ongoing cease-fire when Asa’s in the room. Quin’s been unable to find anything on Lara due to the simple fact that Asa‘s very good at covering his tracks. (Of course, they don’t know that.) Lara, on the other hand, has managed to find (and exploit!) Joaquin’s greatest weakness- not being in the know. They’re not beyond putting aside their differences to work together, though. 

Sed eget enim sollicitudin, viverra lectus vitae, ultrices magna. Mauris ipsum sapien, lobortis vel erat ac, accumsan porta velit.

