Joaquin Desoto



1 year, 5 months ago



Name Joaquin Desoto

Gender Information

Age Information

Race Information

Orientation Information

Occupation Information

Residence Information

Worth Information

Designer Information

Design Notes

  • As a result of a recent accident, their right leg's been amputated up to their knee. While recovering, they've been re-assigned to a recordskeeping role. 
  • Scarily good with people. Knows too much about everyone, just from bits and pieces of small talk or one-off mentions of a past hobby. Can smooth over any situation that needs fixing, and sweet talks their way through problems like nobody's business. 
  • Uses their status as a previously active conservator (agent tasked with protecting the city) to be underestimated when it comes to politics/interpersonal conflict. 
  • Completely loyal to New Idalia. They've dedicated their life to keep the city safe, and will fight to preserve the haven the citizens have created. 
  • Purple is their color. 

Joaquina Desoto


J.Q. Desoto enjoys being underestimated. It keeps peoples’ expectations manageable, and makes maneuvering them into their most effective roles that much more manageable. After earning their rank as an active agent of the Conservatory, Joaquin quickly realized that the way they were perceived had changed. When people saw the badge on their jacket designating their skill as a combatant, they tended to overlook or dismiss their words in favor of the weapons at their belt. They were already keen when it came to getting information out of people, but now they were the city- and the city got a free pass into the middle of everyone’s business. By nature, Joaquin’s more of a drama ender than a drama starter, but does not hesitate to turn things to their advantage if need be. They’re always thinking, always watching, and always careful to keep their personal opinions close to their chest. They value strength, loyalty, and above all, knowledge- but they’re not an emotionless statue. And perhaps it’s difficult to differentiate at times between the city’s ambitions and their own, but their home has always been kind to them. Now they’re just returning the favor.


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Upon completing their tenure at the illustrious Conservatory a year ahead of the rest of their peers, J.Q. Desoto was appointed to the highest honor available to a recently licensed, combat-efficient agent such as themselves: assisting in the training of future generations. It was a bit of a letdown. Joaquin believed they deserved more; their long-running history of loyalty to their fellow agents and their unwavering adherences to the values and standards of Idalia’s protectorate had earned them repeated commendations and honors throughout their training. Their long-term advisor ensured that it was a a fitting assignment, that it would ‘better attune them to the social aspect of the city’. They doubted it. 

But it didn’t stop them from showing up on the first day. Or the days after that. And as the weeks turned into months, they were forced to admit that their supervisor had a point. Despite their age and general inexperience when it came to navigating the city’s political landscape, the kids they supervised were crafty. Whether they knew it or not, they’d adapted already- turning incidents into crafted excuses to avoid their homework, omitting certain facts by emphasizing others, and skillfully avoiding any questions that could betray their relatives’ confidential assignments. They didn’t know how to hide everything, however. And it was the little things that gave them away. 

Unexplained absences from multiple houses, Joaquin found out, often marked a family’s neighborhood being evacuated. New scrapes and bruises spoke to unsanctioned tests of barely-trained abilities. And patterns? Well, patterns meant everything. When they were broken, when they were kept, and when they went out of their schedule taking homework to a new girl in their class. 


Praesent a feugiat erat. Sed vel tortor maximus, lobortis ipsum eget, tincidunt nisi. Duis quam risus, scelerisque eu cursus eu, finibus non dui. Aliquam a ipsum mi. Nunc sit amet tellus vitae metus aliquam sodales sed ut enim. Vestibulum nec nisl metus. Aliquam nulla sapien, ullamcorper in libero at, elementum auctor ligula.

Nam sit amet ligula id metus placerat aliquet ac eget est. Morbi convallis nulla aliquam massa pretium malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper non velit sed lacinia.

Vivamus sed risus aliquet, ornare tortor ac, ornare ipsum. Nulla ultrices quis massa a ullamcorper. Mauris semper facilisis vehicula. Mauris id erat eget lacus finibus lobortis et ornare mauris. Nam placerat lectus venenatis, dapibus quam eu, interdum lectus.

Sed eget enim sollicitudin, viverra lectus vitae, ultrices magna. Mauris ipsum sapien, lobortis vel erat ac, accumsan porta velit.

