


6 years, 9 days ago


Also known as无名 (as pronounced in whichever dialect), Takde Nama
GenderAgender (they/them)
Born inSingapore, Singapore

Nameless stars in Dusk: Unbirth, a short comic! Read it here.


In the world of Nocturna, Singapore is a colourful city of neon lights and haunted streets. 18,000 people die here every year, and of these, about a tenth are unable to enter the afterlife. Nameless, one of the few daring enough to dabble in the exorcist arts in this deeply superstitious city, is kept busy helping families and businesses deal with ghosts in exchange for pay.

Nameless is a little strange, and very prone to binge-reading on their interests. They have devoted their life to the study of ghosts and exorcism, mostly driven by necessity—ghosts are unnaturally attracted to them—but they also find the subject endlessly fascinating, and eagerly devour every gory detail pertaining to it.

Being cursed to hell and back has given them the impression that they would've died long ago if they were meant to. As a result they've become increasingly eager to take fatal risks without any mind for the possible repercussions. They've made it this far alive, surely they're simply immune. They eagerly delve into haunted places everyone else says they absolutely seriously must not enter! You siao ah?

Despite being rather high-strung, they've come face to face with the most gruesome of ghosts often enough that they aren't particularly shocked when it happens anymore, just annoyed at the inconvenience.

They collect stray odds and ends from souvenir shops, or pick them up off that poorly-swept street corner—rocks, bottlecaps, parts fallen off of an old doll—certain that they'll come in handy. Their sense of humour is almost as morbid as the ghosts that they encounter weekly.


Nameless inherited a curse from their mother, who fell for the classic "your firstborn's name for what you desire" ploy when she called upon a demon for relief from the memory of her estranged partner.

Due to the effect of this curse, Nameless could not be given a name. They have found themself to be something of a spiritual bug light for vengeful ghosts and other kinds of spirits and the undead (but because of the way the Singapore branch of Death operates, it's usually vengeful ghosts). Hungry Ghost Month in particular is a downright nightmare for them, what with these ghosts spilling of the afterlife in the droves, swooping food off the roadsides.

Ultimately they took to studying the exorcist arts, particularly the work of Wesley Shiu, for solutions to their ghost problem, and eventually began using those abilities to aid others too, in exchange for pay. It is a dangerous game, but they are far more meticulous than their mother was.

Throughout their studies in demonology and exorcism, Nameless has learned that in order to break their base curse, they must collect three bizarre and rather vaguely described items: tears shed for the curse-victim, the despair felt by a dying being, and the blood of the curse-wreaker drawn at its strongest. How they will obtain these, is anyone's guess.

Wesley ShiuA lesser-known Hong Kong exorcist, Wesley Shiu developed the theoretical magic that forms the underpinning of Nameless' work. This is not an art that is often spoken of, because many respectable practicing exorcists believe his methods to be, well, "sus" (involving trifling with unspeakably cruel forces). Nameless has no such qualms and looks up to Shiu's writings, though they have not met before.
StolasStolas is a mild-mannered Goetic demon that has enough believers in Singapore that he visits sometimes. He's easier to work with than most of the others, and often necessary when they're dealing with the European ghosts who have lurked here for centuries. Summoning demons to aid in the removal of ghosts is exactly the sort of thing Nameless would do.
AminahAminah, who returned after death as a penanggalan, was the first ghost whom Nameless laid to rest in the proper manner, by burying her daughter Kai Li. The encounter was harrowing experience that has affected them towards greater sympathy and kindness towards restless spirits in general.
  • Because of their mother's demonic deal, Nameless cannot be named. All records of their name are immediately erased and they can only be referred to in avoidance register.
  • Nameless is yet another redesign of my pirate RP avatar Circlejourney who looks more Singaporean.