


9 months, 25 days ago


Pronouns: He/Him

World: Solar System

Birthday: September 23

Height: 6'7" (~200.66cm)


Neptune holds a powerful and “rich-man” demeanor. He thinks very highly of himself and tries his best to present himself as such; strutting with a wide, confident gait and sporting a large grin. In reality, he is clumsy, bumbling, and uncertain. He is constantly and comedically stumbling, stuttering, and tripping over himself. He is secretly self-conscious of the fact that he is the smallest gas giant, and makes up for it with a big personality. He presents himself with authority and power that he simply doesn’t have, and the other planets see right through this facade. Neptune is adamant about wanting more respect from his fellow planets (as well as the Sun and Pluto), but has a hard time being taken seriously on account of his clumsiness. He isn’t malicious or selfish, just insecure and too afraid to admit it.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Neptune would be the eccentric uncle.
  • The ball on Neptune's cane is meant to represent his largest moon, Triton.
  • Like all the other Jovian planets, Neptune's rings are depicted by the brim of his top hat.
  • Neptune's wealthy attire is reflective of the speculation that it rains diamonds on Neptune.
  • Neptune's birthday (September 23) represents the day that the planet was discovered in 1846.

Design Notes

  • Neptune's eyes are always squinted closed.
  • Neptune is meant to look stiff in his suit - as if it doesn't quite fit him.