


6 months, 23 days ago


Pronouns: She/Her

World: Solar System

Birthday: October 16

Height: 7'11" (~241.3cm)


Saturn has the personality of a movie star. She has this elegance and grace in just about everything she does. She will very often put on the front of an actor /performer in just about every aspect of her life. Saturn has a flair for the dramatic, making a lot of her mannerisms bold and theatrical. Additionally, she has a near-permanent photogenic gaze that she wears at all times, and rarely changes her expression with the exception of a smile or frustrated wrinkle here and there. Saturn’s most notable quality is her beauty; it is something that she takes great pride in and will go to great lengths to preserve. She is obsessive over small things and will often fret over imperfections in her and her personal space. She is generally a woman of privacy and prefers to do most of her activities alone. Despite all of this she does possess great social wisdom and is good to turn to for general advice of passions and dreams.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Saturn would be the emotional mother.
  • Like all the other Jovian planets, Saturn's rings (her most notable feature) are depicted by her large hat.
  • Saturn's birthday (October 16) is representative of the year the planet was discovered (1610 ---> 10/16).

Design Notes

  • Saturn is meant to look almost fluid. The swirls and curves of her fur coat have little form.
  • Saturn is also meant to look light. Being the least dense planet in the solar system I wanted to keep her design as simple as possible while still conveying her "essence".