


6 months, 23 days ago


Pronouns: She/Her

World: Solar System

Birthday: March 13

Height: 6'8" (~203.2cm)


Uranus is a generally anxious and solitary character. She always seems to have something on her mind and will often belittle herself and her skills due to internal doubts. Because of this, Uranus regularly has a hard time making decisions for herself and will often rely on the guidance of her more “stable” planets (namely Jupiter and Saturn) for advice. However, they are trying to break her out of this system of dependency. Due to her unique “axis”, Uranus stands out among her fellow planets meaning she will often have trouble socializing and bonding with her peers. Despite this, she is a truly sweet (albeit insanely socially awkward) character who is eager to assist when her specific set of skills are required. She has exceptional memory and problem solving skills, making her arguably the smartest of the planets. If only she could see that for herself…

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Uranus would be the talkative aunt.
  • The pearls on Uranus' neck and wrists are meant to represent the planet's multiple moons.
  • Like all the other Jovian planets, Uranus' rings are depicted by her offset hairpin.
  • Uranus' birthday (March 13) represents the day that the planet was discovered in 1781.

Design Notes

  • The swirls on Uranus' hair have no set design/position due to the fact that they are constantly moving.